<p>i’m going to be a freshman next year in the honors program and i have to either take the H160 series or H190 series to graduate with honors in the mathematical program i’m hoping for (actuarial science). i have read course descriptions and the 190 series actually looks ridiculous and full of good will hunting caliber math haha. i feel like the H160 is my only option, but it says i need a 5 on my ap calc ab test to be placed in this series. i’m not panicking, but just a little uneasy on what will happen if i didn’t get a 5. any knowledge on the situation or insight on either of these two course series would be great</p>
<p>My son got a 5 on AP Calc BC. He was advised to start with Math 162 and to avoid the honors math series because it covers more proofs than are deemed useful for his major. He was also told that few of the students who started down the track with the math honors series stayed the course. However, for honors engineering, the Math 160/161/162 classes are considered “honors” and count toward the maintenance of his honors status and towards the points needed to graduate with honors in engineering. I have no idea how the Math Department handles this. He has done fairly well with his math series this year- Math 162, 263, 415- but it has been challenging despite his relatively strong math aptitude.</p>
<p>i was thinking that the non-honors 160 series would be good too, but the math department website said an honors series was required. i guess this is all part of the learning process and will be settled at orientation :/</p>
<p>Forgot to add that the Math Dept may not be totally inflexible with regard to the 5 in AP Calc. You can always plead your case to the Math Dept. and if you are already an Honors student with solid scores on their math placement test and had A’s in AP Calc, they might let you take H160 anyway.</p>