freshman housing!

<p>where do most freshman live on campus?
best/worst pros/cons or anything at all</p>


<p>Most freshmen end up in one of the Stetsons, or in White. They’re all kinda the same - nondescript, old buildings with small rooms for two people each. You know, the traditional dorm thing.
If I were you, I’d ask to be admitted into honors and then get your deposit in early so you can live in honors housing. This year honors freshmen are in West F, which are absolutely gorgeous, six-person suites that are essentially apartments with a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms per room. It’s not too much more expensive, and I think it’s worth it!
Next year they might move freshmen into Parcel 18, but either way, honors housing is nicer, and nicer dorms tend to have much better security and RA policing. You can party in West F, but you have to be more careful. And in apartment-style living, you have to make a bit more of an effort to meet people, especially people outside of honors. So if you’re looking for crazy, 24/partying and are willing to sacrifice living space and comfort, go for regular housing, but if you like to live in (quieter) luxury, go for the honors program.</p>

<p>how about nice non-honors dorms?</p>

<p>Kennedy Hall is the nicest non-honors dorm (currently half honors, half non, not sure what’ll happen next year). No kitchen, but it’s suite style so you get a bathroom and private common room. I’ve heard that Kerr and Melvin are supposed to be pretty nice also, but they aren’t suite style.</p>

<p>But, living in the stetsons isn’t the end of the world. It’s typical dorm life, people who live there usually really like it.</p>

<p>am i the only one that wants to live in traditional, packed dorms? i guess so these days</p>


<p>What does it take to qualify for Honors Housing as a Freshman? What about the Living Learning Communities? Wellness LLC and Leadership LLC, and Community Service LLC?</p>

<p>You qualify for honors housing if you are admitted as an honor student, which is the top 10% of the incoming class. I’m not positive about LLCs but I imagine you just request them on housing applications.</p>

<p>Are the Wellness LLC folks considered to be crunchy granola or weird or different?</p>

<p>Thank you Emily, I appreciate your candid answers. </p>

<p>How noisy is it at - say - 1:00 a.m. in the Stetsons? Can a person get to sleep? Are the Stetsons well ventilated or too hot or too cold? Can you actually study in your room in the Stetsons or do you have to find a quiet spot somewhere?</p>

<p>Oh, and can you just request Kennedy as a Freshman and hope for the best?</p>

<p>It all depends on when you submit your housing deposit. If you got in EA, you should already have submitted your housing deposit the first chance you got. For incoming freshmen, your housing is based upon availability in LLCs if you requested one, and what order your housing deposit was placed in.</p>

<p>My deposits were made two weeks ago and I requested the Leadership LLC today. Do you think I’ll be okay on that account? What do you know about the Leadership LLC? I put Wellness LLC as second choice.</p>

<p>Oh god, I didn’t even submit anything.
I got into Pharm EA, but I’m still waiting on a few schools.</p>