<p>I'm currently 14, a freshman in high school, but I think it's the perfect time to start thinking about what I want to do ans what college I should go to. I really enjoy music, it's my passion. So I was thinking my job could be somewhere in the entertainment category. I'm really good with finding loopholes in deals, contracts, etc. I was thinking I could be an Entertainment Lawyer?
I'm already considered different colleges, whether they're Ivy League, Private, or just a standard university. Different colleges that I thought about were Columbia University, Pepperdine, Barnard, which is linked to Columbia, New York University, and University of Southern California.
I'm in all honors classes and I get all A's and B's. In fact, I've never gotten a C on any Report Card or Progress Report. I took the PSAT; I scored higher than half of the sophomores, but since I still have things to learn, it will get better before I even become a junior in over a year from now. I'm looking for a very well paying job (of course!) and since I'm still young, I don't really know much.</p>
<p>This was my idea- I could go to college and double major in Music and Business. Unless the college has a Music Business major (such as NYU and USC). Then, I could go to Law School. I'd be 4 years undergrad, of course. I'd plan on going to law school for 3 years.
So I was wondering several things-
1.) What colleges are best for my plans?
2.) Would this be a good plan for my future or is this risky?
3.) How many options do I really have with this major?
4.) Along with question 3, does going to law school as well increase my options?</p>