<p>Freshman move-in is occurring over two days - tues aug 21 and wed aug 22. Are they assigned a particular date and/or time? If so, is it alphabetical, say a-m on day 1 then n-z on day two?</p>
<p>Any tips for moving in (into the towers)? I would imagine it being crazy from 9a-3p. If specific times are not assigned, I was thinking of showing up around 4 to avoid the worst of the crowds. Good idea or not possible?</p>
<p>Lastly, I don't know how long to stick around after move in. If we move in on tuesday, I plan on staying overnight tues night in a hotel and attending the convocation which usually happens on wed. Is it worth it to stay over wed. night too or is that overkill?</p>
<p>Yes-- you are assigned a particular day. I’ll let someone else comment on moving into the towers.<br>
Last year we left after Freshman Convocation, which is well worth attending.</p>
<p>Last year when we moved D into Towers the lines were very long ans snaked around the outside. We got there at 7:30 am and did not have to wait too long but by the time we came back from a Target run, the line was a good 45 minutes long. I would suggest moving in very early or late. The biggest problem is the lack of elevators for the number of people and if you have to make more than one trip up with stuff ,it really prolongs the process. We rode the elevators up with the stuff but always walked down ( D was on the 11th floor-calves were a bit sore). Luckily we only had to make one trip with a cart so that really helped. The students who are helping are great and try to streamline the process as much as possible. You may want to check to see if there will be additional security. After all the spring bomb threats, they may still have amped up security</p>
<p>Having helped with move-in for the past three years, my biggest advice is to get to Oakland EARLY EARLY EARLY. Move in around 8am if possible. There will be minimal crowds, and knowing Oakland weather, it won’t be as hot or humid as it will get later on in the day.</p>
<p>Moving in by 8 am would mean leaving home at 4 am - I think I’ll come late instead, maybe 4 or 5 pm. Is there a specific “end time” or can you move in at 9 pm if you want?</p>
<p>Moving in late should not be an issue. DS’ roommate moved in late at night the day before the “official” move-in date. Panther Central is opened 24 hours so you should be able to get the key from them.</p>
<p>I would recommend driving to Pittsburgh the night before you plan to move in, then move in early in the am before the crowds. That’s what I plan to do this year. The traffic getting into oakland in the afternoon was horrendous.</p>
<p>Do this. I did this my freshman year and it was SO worth it. It may help to stay in a hotel 5-10 miles outside of the city (i.e. Monroeville) because it will probably be a little cheaper. That will also ensure that you aren’t already tired from a long drive on the day of your move, which is filled with other activities and things to do until late at night.</p>
<p>That’s a good idea. I’ll just have to wait to see what day he’s assigned for move-in. How do they decide who gets tues and who gets wed?</p>
<p>As I recall, the arrival schedule was based on first letter of last name. However, I think that if you want to come on a different day, it will not be a problem. Call Panther Central- they are very helpful and will let you know the deal.</p>
<p>And even if you don’t, just show up whenever.
There will be loads of volunteers to help you, and even have extra things like the parking pass for your car etc.</p>