freshman orientation

<p>Hey does anyone know the dates for Class of 2013 orientation over the summer?</p>

<p>Is this information even out yet? I can't really plan my summer without knowing when i get to meet all my future Penn people. Thanks</p>

<p>someone posted a calendar of events somewhere on CC but i think its also on Penn’s website</p>

<p>it’s not over the summer, you have preview days in april for those who are accepted, and then new student orientation begins when you move in at the end of august</p>

<p>[Academic</a> Calendar Fall 2008 through Summer 2011](<a href=“]Academic”></p>

<p>Hey class of 2013! I’m just stopping through to give you guys one word of advice to remind you to enjoy yourself during NSO (aka first week ur @ penn) i didnt realize how much fun i had until 2 weeks after the fact once i started getting hw lol aside from spring fling NSO will probably be the most fun u’ll have all school year so have fun!</p>

<p>i think it is sept. 3rd to 8th
hahah heard it was really fun…free shirts and penn rents out the whole art museum</p>

<p>wow jskillz that sounds great and horrible at the same time</p>

<p>lol my bad i dont want to make it seem like u wont have fun with ur friends in ur dorms or @ parties during the yr, but only during NSO can u party 5 days in a row without having to worry about messing up your gpa :)</p>

<p>Omg i can’t wait for this</p>

<p>wow good info. thanks everybody i can’t wait : )</p>

<p>it’s on Sep 3rd. can’t wait for NSO…</p>

<p>what are “reading days”? it was on the calendar</p>

<p>it’s the week after you’re done with classes… you get all that time to study for your exams without actually having class. they do it at yale, and someone i know goes there and said it’s ridiculously helpful and makes exams a lot less stressful</p>

<p>Reading days, NSO, god. I am so pumped for all of this! Whew. You guys, we better meet up though – I definitely want to see who was behind the mask on cc. PENN PENN!!!</p>

<p>hahaha we already had some meet-ups with ppl who lives around philly
yea i am curious too lol
how about the penn preview days??</p>

<p>tip for yall incoming freshies…</p>

<p>the penn sponsored parties are lame. REALLY lame. only go if you’re THAT set on grabbing the freebies that disappear after the first 15 min. that aside, nso is AMAZING, provided you find the hotspots ;)</p>

<p>this is a stupid question, but do we live in our dorms the during nso? i’m assuming yes. and who throws these awesome parties btw? i cannot waittttttttt</p>

<p>i cant wait too!! penn sounds sooo exciting, we move in on the 3rd so i think we will be living in our dorms during this week</p>

<p>Hey! </p>

<p>I’m just a little confused - when do the incoming freshmen pick out schedules? Is that during NSO?</p>

<p>I think you submit course requests at some point during the summer (July?)</p>