<p>can freshman parking in the campus>??</p>
<p>I was in one of those online chat things with students there and admission staff. They said YES there is parking for freshmen on campus.</p>
<p>You can definately call in or send an e-mail to find out though. I think it is a big plus for the school to have parking for freshmen.</p>
are you gonna be one of the buffalo student too??
if so, what major??
im going for pre-pharmacy.</p>
<p>oh i see…
well .
I looked at the homepage and it said the parking hours are monday thru friday 7am to 5 pm or something like that.
What happens when I sleep at the dorm??
and is there like an indoor parking spot?? since it snows alot?
<p>I am seriously considering Buffalo. Low costs and it has a good “early” dental program I like. </p>
<p>My only concerns:</p>
<li>Distance from home</li>
<li>Name? I always thought I was going to go to a big name school.</li>
<p>Concerning #3, I have another big name schools that have accepted me but the accelerated programs at those big schools are a lot more competitive than the ones at Buffalo.</p>
<p>I see…
what is your big school?
I heard about buffalo’s dental program.
It is a good program and seriously consider about it.
hope I will see you there…
b/c im most likely going to buffalo.</p>
<p>Where do you live by the way? Close to the school? I am from Mass and I just don’t know if I am willing to fight the extra snow Buffalo is supposedly going to have.</p>
<p>Oh also, have you considered/applied/got accepted into MCPHS?</p>
<p>If I was going into Pre-Pharmacy, I think MCPHS would be my top pick. It is in Boston basically and is a very good school for Pre-Pharmacy.</p>
<p>I am from NJ and yes i got into MCPHS. However, buffalo is much cheaper so I think im going there.
I know about the snow, but i guess there are pros and cons about the college.
lol… buffalo ftw…</p>
<p>:) I like Boston better. Nothing beats it.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure they do have freshmen parking…its just limited</p>
<p>At UB there’s parking for freshmen, but it’s restricted. Freshmen may not park in lots on the Academic Spine on North Campus. Freshmen may park in on all other student-accessible lots.</p>