Freshman Required Classes

<p>Does anyone kno anything about this? Do we have to take calculus or an equivalent math? What about science? I ask b/c those classes have nothing to do with my major [and I kind of don't want to take those classes], but I do kno that there will be some mandatory freshmen seminars.
btw, im in CAS</p>

<p>no mandatory freshmen seminars… just writing seminar.</p>

<p>srsly thats it? r u sure? that sounds too good to be true [but i hope ur right!]</p>

<p>You have a sector-based core. You have to take classes from certain areas, but there is no one specific class you must take.</p>

<p>And no specific time line in which to take them.</p>

<p>you just need to fulfill all the requirements before you graduate. some people try to get them out of the way as soon as possible. theoretically, you could push everything back till your senior year, but i wouldn’t recommend it.</p>

<p>go online and look at your major requirements. different schools/majors have different requirements (ie the wharton core, the sector requirements, etc).</p>

<p>i know people who don’t have to take math ever.</p>

<p>writing seminar is required but freshman seminars are absolutely optional</p>