Freshman Research Program


can anybody tell me anything about the Freshman Research Program at Binghamton?
I watched their u-tube presentation and it sounds good - any additional info?


You must be invited to join, if you haven’t received an invitation by now then you probably won’t at this point. MY Daughter received hers over a week ago.

@fm0101 I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily true. While most invitations probably have gone out, many will reject the invitation or not attend the school at all. So the invitations are rolling until they reach capacity for the program. But of course those they want most receive the invite first. I was told that by a Bing representative at my school, but maybe the info is outdated so I’m not positive.

My child received a letter some while ago - yes, it is per invitation. Since he also got admitted to other very good schools we are doing some research in this program.
He also received a merit scholarship.

Do you all mean Freshman Research Immersion (FRI) program? Description/YouTube look amazing, but how good is this program actually? Is it good enough to choose Bing over a similar school (ranking-wise & cost-wise)?

My son was invited and from everything we read, it looks fantastic. Plus, it seems a great way to meet freshman. Does anyone know if this is like an honor’s program?

Hi - update:

We actually visited in the meantime.
Personally, as a parent, I love Binghamton.
My child is thrilled about Binghamton - he likes the location, the layout of the campus, what the school offers, program…
He also asked about the Freshman Research Immersion - when he received the email he answered back and had to fill out which “kind” of research. Students who sign up for it do this in addition to their coursework and get paired with a professor and learn some actual research work over 3 semesters (hope I remember that right).
It is not like an honor’s program because the focus is on research work not on overall academic achievement.
For my son who is very interested in research this is a great opportunity as you focus on one topic and learn how to actually do research - just a different focus as opposed to honors.

Thank you for the info. My son accepted the offer.