Freshman Schedule, need help

<p>Hi, I recently got back from orientation, so far my schedule is
English 1105
General Chemistry
Math 1015 (didnt get placed in 1205)
Linear Algebra

<p>I got 14 credits so far i want to add the chemistry lab but will not let me for some reason. There are plenty of open spots and there are no pre req's but every time i try to add it, it says college restriction and registration error. The advisor did not say I we could not sign up for both she told me most take them both durring the fall semester. So i don't know what this means and I do not know my advisor yet so I don't know who to ask, or why it does not let me add the lab. I am trying to get into engineering and do CE.</p>

<p>I would talk to my counselor ASAP about that. There is no reason I know of that you shouldn’t be allowed to take both at the same time. Most people do.</p>

<p>Ok so apparently they save spots for the other orientation groups after, which is understandable. Someone told me they take the restrictions off August 4th or something so I guess I will try to get into any open classes then or just take the lab second semester. Is there anything wrong with taking it second semester if I really have to?</p>

<p>Still doesn’t make sense why you couldn’t get the lab. Everyone who is in Chem 1035 is going to need the lab. You should take the lab when you take the Chem class.</p>

<p>If you have the request in for the Lab perhaps they mean that you will be placed in the class on Aug 4 or put on a waitlist.</p>

<p>You don’t have to take the lab with the class; they’re separate. Depending on your major you may have to take the class but not the lab. It’s best to take them at the same time if you do have to take the lab since they go along with each other a bit, though.</p>

<p>I emailed a counselor and she said the chemistry department said they will uplift the restrictions “soon”. So I’m going to have to keep checking so I can snag one right when it opens</p>