Freshman Schedule?

<p>I know that incoming freshman "get" their schedules when they meet with their adviser for the first time during orientation.</p>

<p>I also came to understand that this schedule is basically based off the course preferences you submitted earlier. </p>

<p>So... does this mean a preliminary schedule (with classes you might not want) is already finalized for you? Are you already signed up for specific classes with specific professors , meeting at certain times?</p>

<p>Or do you build your schedule during orientation with your adviser ...choosing what professor you want for a given course? </p>

<p>Does your adviser give you a schedule that you can walk away with... or do you actually build it when you meet them?</p>

<p>Sorry if this post sounds like a rant... I hope I expressed what I'm thinking.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, my daughter got her schedule when she met with her advisor during orientation. And yes, the schedule was based on the course preferences. If she decided she did not like/want the course, then the advisor would have changed the course at that time. After the meeting, she was given a pin number in order to do her own add or drops of courses. My only suggestion is that if you want to change one of your courses, then you may want to contact an advisor now while they are putting the course schedule together. I think my daughter initially wanted Art History for the Art requirement, but then decided she would rather have Intro to Theater. I also think she check the course offerings and knew that Intro to Theater was still open before she requested the change. I think she then emailed the advisor ahead of time (like early August) so Theater was already on her schedule when she met her with her advisor at the end of August. As far as choosing a professor, I am not sure if you will have that option as the advisors set the schedule based on availability. As far as the advisor is concerned all professors are good. So yes, you meet with your advisor who already has your schedule and you really just “tweak” it with them by possibly substituting one course for another. I think alot of kids just walk away with the schedule they are given. Good luck</p>

<p>Gidget63 thanks so much for such a helpful post!
Like you suggested, I think it might be better if I contact my adviser now to change a course when they are still finalizing schedules.</p>