<p>Ok so I'm trying to pick out my schedule for my first year, I'm a chemical engineering major and I'm trying to get prereq done early as most of my breadth is taken care of from AP.</p>
<p>Does anyone have any suggested teachers for the following classes this is going to be my first year schedule as of now but it is subject to change until Orientation June 30th</p>
<p>Chemistry 001A-...</p>
<p>Math 008B-...</p>
<p>HNPG09-...My required honors course I've heard all of the teachers for honors are good.</p>
<p>Physics002B...I wasn't sure about this course, but it seems like the only open physics class that doesn't require a previous physics course.</p>
<p>Thanks for helping if you can!
<p>Any recomended teachers?</p>
<p>I don’t know much about those classes… but make use of <a href=“http://www.ratemyprofessor.com%5B/url%5D”>www.ratemyprofessor.com</a></p>
<p>for math dont take choi. I heard he is a horrible monster that eat you alive</p>
<p>Don’t sign up for a class earlier than 10 am. You will follow my advice and thank me at the end of the quarter</p>
<p>can you elaborate on that? cause im kinda a morning class kind of person.</p>
<p>Well, if you can actually wake up early on a consistent basis without any sort of motivation, (e.g. a final in 10 minutes) then I’m sure you’ll be fine with morning classes</p>
<p>but what I noticed was that in the dorms most people’s sleeping habits fell down a really deep chasm during the school year (no one went to sleep early) . Having a class at 8 am will royally suck much more than say a class at 11 am. </p>
<p>So like, try to avoid those, and even if you can wake up early it’s still nice to have classes a bit later in the morning. However, you should avoid night classes as well. Ever wonder why the Friday night classes are always open?</p>
<p>Do what I did spring quarter on monday I would just have one class at 5 and T and R at 1( though I worked from 9 to 12) going to my discussion and workshop at 10 on W and F was a ***** and that was at 10 imagine at 8. No way you can sleep early in the dorms unless you have pentland</p>
<p>I had 8AM classes every quarter last year and I went to bed around 3-4AM and still managed to wake up and attend lecture every morning–never missed a day of class. It all depends on the type of person you are, if you are disciplined and responsible enough to wake up for classes then morning classes can be advantageous, because several excellent quality professors only teach during the morning sessions. Too frequently do students attribute their failures to other factors without ever taking responsibility for their actions or lack of. It wasn’t fun waking up at 7:30AM every morning for 8AM classes but after lecture you have the rest of the day free to yourself or could go back to sleep until your next class. If succeeding–in college for this case–is not motivation enough, then obviously that individual lacks the qualities to succeed in any realm. </p>
<p>Don’t let the slackers scare you off from registering for early classes.
If you want to attend morning sessions then do it! But do not sign up for a morning class if you are not disciplined enough to wake up for lecture. </p>
<p>Final word of advice for those who sign up for 8AM classes and sleep at 3-4AM (like myself), MAKE SURE TO BRING AT LEAST 2-3 ALARMS!!!</p>
<p>about the alarm thing,</p>
<p>my phone has like 4 time slots for alarms. I just set it at like 7:15, 7:16, 7:17, 7:18… if I REALLY need to wake up. After pressing the snooze button, it will ring 5 minutes later… so… if your phone has this option, and you know you will fail to wake up for class… then do it. : )</p>
<p>Having morning classes can be fun but when you have 2 lectures and 2 discussions afterwards and a lab from 6-10 pm, you WANT that sleepy time in the morning, lol</p>
<p>However, I"m sure that people can see the advantages of having morning classes, but just be careful. I know one friend who overslept and skipped 4 sessions for his English class and was dropped - OUCH
I myself have a shifted sleeping cycle - go to sleep at 3 am and preferably wake up at noon :)</p>
<p>My dormmates have funny stories about their alarms haha</p>