Freshman Seminar Required? Honors person to talk to?

<p>Looking over the classes offered in the spring with son, and we noted some Freshmen Seminars, but other honors courses that may be of interest, as well as some plain old humanities. </p>

<p>Since you can only take a freshman seminar class, I assume, freshman year, and son did not take one in the fall, was wondering if all honors students are REQUIRED to take a freshman seminar class, in any subject. </p>

<p>Also, some of the 300 level honors courses are on some interesting topics, but didn’t know if there were any prereqs for these courses. They have the attribute of university honors and writing. Since they are 300 level, I didn’t know if one has to have earned so many credits to take a course at this level, ie, have junior standing. </p>

<p>Son knows Jami Gates and Dr. Sharpe and Mrs. Batson and would be comfortable talking to them, but he’s unsure of who to go to for specific questions about honors courses. He’s an engineering major, but he’s not sure if his engineering advisor would be able to answer specific questions about honors requirements and honors course descriptions.</p>

<p>He’ll be finishing his English Comp requirements this semester, and hopes to be eligible to take some of the 200 level honors courses, but would like to get a better description of each course.</p>

<p>There’s a good description of the fall courses on the honors home page, but no description yet of the spring courses.</p>

<p>Any recommendation on who he can ask specific questions about honors courses would be greatly appreciated.</p>


<p>Might I suggest:</p>

<p>Office of the Registrar</p>

<p>Registrar: Ms. Kiki Karatheodoris
273 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>She is located right in Nott Hall and is the Honors College Registrar.</p>

<p>Thank you so much, rbtmom! Sounds like the person he needs to talk to!</p>

<p>Your Welcome, Hope that helps, copied right off the UA Honors Contact page.</p>

<p>Montegut: Freshmen are not required to take an honors seminar. For some, it would never fit into their schedules. For others, they want to take other classes that may be more interesting to them.</p>

<p>As for the 200, 300 or 400 levels, honors classes traditionally do not require a particular standing unless stated. The same appears true for any class at Alabama. My son took 300 level classes as a freshman. He has 400 level classes as a sophomore.</p>

<p>The biggest problem your son may have could come at registration. Even if he has priority registration, there will be others in front of him who may need that writing class. So they will register on the first or second day. </p>

<p>If he is interested in a particular class, he could sit down and e-mail the professor. My son did that last spring when he saw some special topics in a particular discipline on the schedule. There was no information given, so he e-mailed to find out additional details about the class.</p>

<p>Tell your son to look for descriptions for the spring classes in a future e-mail. Some professors may add an honors seminar but have not finalized all the details yet. Even after registration is done in late October/early November, the Honors College may add more classes. That was the case with the Alabama Action Costa Rica seminar that my son took last spring. He had registered for one honors class, but when the course description appeared in an e-mail during the Christmas holidays, he decided to change.</p>

<p>*was wondering if all honors students are REQUIRED to take a freshman seminar class, in any subject. *</p>

<p>NO. If there were such a req’t, it would be clearly stated in the Honors College webpages. </p>

<p>I think to take a 300 class with a W designation, you have to have junior standing, which many “non-3rd year students” already have. To have junior standing you must have 61 credits (momreads’ son had more than that when he arrived at Bama.)</p>

<p>however, for other classes, if a pre-req isn’t listed, then a student can sign up for it.</p>

<p>A freshman seminar is not required. Years ago, one of the requirements of UHP was taking 1-2 honors seminars (there was also a special UHP designation that required more honors credits and an honors thesis). Nowadays, you need 18 honors credits, 6 of which must be UH-designated or certain IHP/CBH courses. With my current plans, I will graduate from honors without ever taking a UH seminar course.</p>

<p>myBama should list course prerequisites. If your son meets those prerequisites and they have space available, he can enroll in whichever honors course(s) he wants.</p>

<p>Thanks, mom2ck, for the warning about the W designation. A couple of classes of interest, I think they are 300 level, do have a W designation. </p>

<p>I did panic a little when I went to the honors website and it said 6 hours had to be honors seminars courses, so I was worried son was going to miss out on those requirements if he didn’t take a freshman seminar course.</p>

<p>I’ll have him stop by to talk to Ms. K, I assume she’s in Nott Hall, if he has any questions.</p>

<p>He also is taking some honors courses in his major this year, and he’ll need to check if those fulfill any of his honors college requirements, and if they can also fulfill departmental honors requirements at the same time, so he can make room for more honors courses if necessary.</p>

<p>I seem to remember discussion that one can fulfill humanities and honors requirements with the same course, but he needs to check on that as well.</p>

<p>and it said 6 hours had to be honors seminars courses</p>

<p>a. A minimum OVERALL GPA of 3.3.
b. Minimum of 18 hours of honors courses:
i. 6 out of the 18 hours MUST be in UH (University Honors) seminars at the 100, 200, or 300 level.

  1. IHP 105 or IHP 155 count for towards 3 out of the 6 UH required seminars.
  2. All UHP students are eligible to take IHP courses.
  3. All UH seminars are repeatable provided the course content differs.
    ii. The remaining 12 out of the 18 hours may be completed in the following ways:
  4. 12 additional hours in UH classes OR
  5. 12 hours of departmental honors courses, i.e. courses offered by various departments on campus (English, Math, History, etc.). These courses either have ‘honors’ in the title or carry an attribute on mybama indicating “university honors.”</p>

<p>The requirements indicate that the seminal classes can be 100, 200, or 300 level courses…so they don’t have to be freshman seminar classes. </p>

<p>*I seem to remember discussion that one can fulfill humanities and honors requirements with the same course, but he needs to check on that as well. *</p>

<p>If the honors course has a core req’t designation, then it counts for that req’t. The online course schedule lists whether a class has a designation or not.</p>