Freshman Single in Lafayette

When housing assignments came out earlier today, I was shocked to find out that I, a freshman, had been assigned to a single unit, private bath in Lafayette. While the prospect of having a single sounds nice on the surface, there are two major concerns that I have: one, the cost, and two, the isolation that comes along with living on your own. Should I consider room swap?

I’m a freshman too, but I was put in thurston. From what I’ve heard, it’s harder to make friends when you’re in a single, but that depends on how outgoing/social you are I guess. And as for cost, it’s going to be cheaper having roommates, but it might not be that much of a difference depending on your financial situation. I would definitely at least try to give room swap a chance. idk if there’s another particular dorm you’re interested in, but it wouldn’t hurt to see if anyone is interested in swapping with you

Hello! Would you consider swapping with me? I have a Quad in Madison Hall with three other girls and based on your two major concerns about your dorm, it seems like Madison would be a good fit for you. Nonetheless, if you are interested please let me know!