freshman vs transfer, what should i do?

<p>can you guys help me with this dilema?
my dream is to go to UCB EE school. i've been in the Army for 5 years, and i'll be getting out this fall. That means I must apply this fall and wait until next fall to start school. That seems like such a waste of time, given that i'm almost 24.
and i'm not even sure if i'm going to get accepted. i do not meet the subject a-g requirement, plus i have 7 credit hours from a kentucky community college (it was through the Army Education Center). i only hope UCB won't be able to find out about it.</p>

<p>anyways, i was wondering if i could enroll in a CC (say, DVC) for Spring 2007 after applying to UCB, and if acceted in March, take those credits with me. would UCB allow that?</p>

<p>or do you think it will be better to go to a CC, do 3 semesters, and transfer to UCB? </p>

<p>one more, do you think it will benefit me to study and take some AP Exams next May? I'm thinking about AP Physics C, AP Calc BC, and Computer Science AB</p>

<p>by the way i got my california driver's license and registered to vote in San Diego last year. that means i'm a california resident, right?</p>

<p>g.p.a = 3.9 (unweighted, 10-12)
ec: taekwondo 2 yrs, jrotc 2 yrs, classical guitar 3 yrs
awards: departmental awards (for highest grade) - physics, biology, science 9, algebra I & II, esl, ap calculus, us history, c++, and health
AMC 12 school winner, presidential award for academic excellence upon graduation
work: 5 yrs in the army. 2 yrs in the operation iraqi freedom
hardship: death of grandmother(age13), death of father(age15), first began American high school as 10th grade with extremely limited English skill. i'm originally from Korea.
CR = 700 (taken in 2006)
MATH = 770
Writing = 700
MATH 2 = 750 (2005)
BIO-MB = 730 (2005)
PHYSICS = 800 (2006)
KOREAN = 800 (2006)
AP CALC AB = 4 (2001)</p>

<p>i await your words of wisdom :)</p>

plus i have 7 credit hours from a kentucky community college (it was through the Army Education Center). i only hope UCB won't be able to find out about it.


I think you are required to report it. I'm sure it will be fine even if the grades are not that good.


by the way i got my california driver's license and registered to vote in San Diego last year. that means i'm a california resident, right?


For almost all college purposes, you have to have lived in California for a number of years to establish residency. Also, if you take the CCC transfer route, you have to complete 30 units to get CCC transfer priority.</p>

<p>I know too many people as junior transfers into EECS and they all say that it's hard to adjust to the difficulty from community college. A lot of them ended up dropping a class and still averaging around a C.</p>

<p>Just something to keep in mind.</p>

<p>hey seanlee2006</p>

<p>i know what you're going through. i was in your situtation in 2003 after 9 years in the military. i applied and got accepted to UCLA as an udergrad, but i'll be transfering to Georgetown's SFS this fall.</p>

<p>email me at <a href=""></a> and i might be able to help you out with your options.</p>