Freshman Writing Seminars!

<p>For those of you that are currently in one or had one in the past, what are some good/interesting writing seminars?</p>

<p>Thanks! :)</p>

<p>It takes most time for me no matter how much I like it.</p>

<p>at this point, it does not seem prudent to share my strong dislike of the course I’m currently in.</p>

<p>cuz I’m still receiving grades and all.</p>

<p>I guess if you bring it up as something you’re interested in, I’ll tell you an emphatic NOOOO don’t DO IT!</p>

<p>FWSs are the worst! they take any interesting subject and make it miserable!</p>

<p>The one I took, THETR 1240, Technology in Live Performance with Jennifer Williams, was actually a lot of fun. Not too much work and fairly lenient grading. I highly recommend it.</p>

<p>Does Anyone know anything about:
Engl 1147 - The Mystery in the Story
Engl 2700 - The Reading of Fiction
Engl 1185 - Writing about Literature: Utopia and its Discontents
Medvl 1101 - Aspects of Medieval Culture: Martyrs, Mystics & Madmen: Making the Medieval Saint
Engl 1190 - Great Books? Exploring the Literary Tradition</p>

<p>Any input is greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>is it true that if you get a 5 on either AP Lit or AP Lang that you don’t have to take one of the two required seminars?</p>

<p>^ I think it depends on what college you’re in</p>

<p>has anyone had kurt jordan or daniel fisher in the past for fws?</p>



<p>Those all sound fantastic.</p>

<p>^^ my friend who had a 5 on AP Eng is only taking one FWS</p>

<p>Anyone taken any of the “Language, Thought and Reality” classes here?</p>

<p>In general, is MLA the standard at Cornell?</p>

<p>at cornell a lot of times professors dont care…as long as you cite all works and do not plagiarize…</p>

<p>really, they let you just cite however? in my experience they expect a certain method but it varies from class to class (especially between disciplines).</p>

<p>also, you can use a score of a 4 on an AP English exam for CALS. I dunno if any other schools permit this. I know CAS does not.</p>