Thanks for the update! I have to agree with others, the proposed general schedule from NEU is…intense and a bit unusual, based on my past experiences.
/Somewhat stunned at NEU’s sample first semester schedule for your major
I don’t know if you’ve already done this, so if so, please forgive me. Pull out the NEU course bulletin and figure out all your gen ed requirements, the requirements for your desired major and minor, and the premed reqs. Then, start mapping out your course sequence for 8 semesters. You may want to do this in Excel/Google Sheets where you have 8 columns (one for each semester) and attach corequisites together (i.e a class with its lab) so you know those always have to be taken together. Include the number of credit hours each class is.
You don’t have to finish all your prereqs in your first two years of college, either. If a semester seems overly intense on paper (as many people have been saying about the 1st semester plan at NEU), then see how classes can be switched out to make an easier schedule (i.e. pushing orgo back a year, etc). If you can’t seem to figure out an arrangement over 8 semesters, then think about maybe doing a summer program where you can help create some space in your regular school year schedule.
/Hoping I’m clear about I’d suggest you do
Yes, good advisors should be able help you do this. But, in my experience, it’s best to know all the information for yourself and then to get confirmation from the advisors that you’re right. Nobody will be as invested in you and your future than you. The advisors (from the student services office, pre-health advisors, regular academic advisors) will probably be able to look at your proposed 8-semester plan and point out potential issues (like the posters on this thread are doing), but they’re unlikely to create nearly as thoughtful a plan for you as you will yourself.
You want your first semester to be one of your easiest. Why? You are going through a MAJOR life transition. Moving from home, losing most of your social network, learning a new environment, foods, etc. That doesn’t even begin to touch the type of coursework, level of courses, etc. Nobody recommends that postpartum mothers go back to work ASAP or oversee home renovations with a baby (or toddler) in the house. Is it that it’s impossible? No. It’s just way too much unnecessary stress that can have unintended mistakes because they’re being spread too thin…when they could easily do it all at a different time and do it exceedingly well.
/Speaking my truth
Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. It doesn’t matter how many of your prereqs get cleared out your freshman year. So long as you’re managing a pace that will lead to a graduation in 4 years with all your requirements completed, you’re doing what you need to be doing.