Freshmen Football Tickets

<p>Has anyone seen anything regarding registration and selection dates for freshmen football tickets? Packages?</p>

<p>We got a reminder card in the mail that said June 1st you can order your tickets. I can’t remember which website they listed, though. I’d go into D’s room to look for the card, but I’m afraid I won’t find my way out. I sure feel sorry for her future roommates :(</p>

<p>We did not receive any such mailer. If anyone could post the details, it would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Pretty sure you’ll be ordering them on [ALABAMA</a> CRIMSON TIDE - University of Alabama Official Athletic Site](<a href=“”> but I’m not sure of the details on pre-registration or of how the packages are broke up this year.</p>

<p>I would agree that is the likely website. However, there are no details there and even the student registration page is for 2010. I don’t think there is any information out yet.</p>

<p>My incoming freshman daughter has showed me the two options for the football ticket packages. Maybe on mybama? The opening purchase date is definitely June 1. She will be at Bamabound with her computer!</p>

<p>I found this with the Bama Bound info.</p>

<p>Plan to Purchase your Football Tickets Online
Beginning Tuesday, June 1, 2011, at 8:00 a.m. you may visit [ALABAMA</a> CRIMSON TIDE - University of Alabama Official Athletic Site](<a href=“”> You may log in at from any computer using your CWID number. Please note the supply of tickets is limited.</p>

<p>Is it necessary to sign up right at 8:00 a.m.? That’s 3:00 a.m. our time!</p>


<p>My guess is that you probably do need to log in then. The only other option would be to get a friend/relative in a more reasonable time zone to do it for you. You would have to trust them with your daughter’s CWID.</p>

<p>Rose, it depends on if you really want a specific package or if you’d be happy with either one. With tickets broken up I think every freshman is guaranteed a package. just maybe not the package of their choice.</p>

<p>Last year there was one package available for a few days after the sale. Some of us even jumped on and bought that package in addition to the one we bought but then had to call the ticket office and get a refund since they would’ve canceled our original package. </p>

<p>Anyway if you don’t care which package you get then I wouldn’t worry about waking up early to buy it. </p>

<p>Of course I say that knowing full well neither me nor lil bro slept the night before the ticket sale last year and this year :-)</p>

<p>*Is it necessary to sign up right at 8:00 a.m.? That’s 3:00 a.m. our time! *</p>

<p>Essentially you do. Malanai had to set an alarm. It doesn’t take long to do, so you can go right back to sleep afterwards.</p>

<p>tickets go fast…I wouldn’t just wait and see if either set is still available…especially since your D has friends who will all probably want the same set.</p>

<p>*With tickets broken up I think every freshman is guaranteed a package. *</p>

<p>I don’t think every freshman is “guaranteed” a package. I don’t think there are 5000+ sets for freshmen. I’m not even sure if there’s 4000.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. I’ll let the girls know. 3:00 a.m. probably isn’t as big a deal to them as it is to me :)</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the 3 and 4 game packages are?</p>

<p>I am really unsure of what to do for tickets for my d. SHe has never been to a football game, thinks she won’t like it, but has voluntarily been going to rugby games. I know I want her to have at least one ticket so she can at least try a game. Do students buy tickets and then guests have to try to buy tickets? Because I know that she would at least go to a game if we all came down to see it with her. ALthough none of us are big football fans, both h and I and her younger sister do like occasionally watching a game. She is the only one who hasn’t watched an entire game.</p>

<p>At a whopping cost of $5 per game, she SHOULD sign up for tickets. She can easily donate tickets to a pool for other students should she later decide not to go. There is really nothing to lose and she might actually like it. Would you go to Paris for a week and not see the Eiffel Tower? Egypt and not see the pyramids? The Louvre and not see the Mona Lisa? Niagra Falls and not the waterfall?</p>

<p>*I am really unsure of what to do for tickets for my d. SHe has never been to a football game, thinks she won’t like it, *</p>


<p>She needs to buy a set. </p>

<p>My older son really didn’t think he’d have any interest in football games, but we got a set, he went, and he totally got addicted. </p>

<p>Frankly, if your D’s roomies, friends, etc, have tix, she will want to go along with them.</p>

<p>Hopefully, Robotmom will post…she also thought her child wouldn’t have much interest…LOL…he quickly became one of those cheering body painters that you see on TV. </p>

<p>Going to a Bama football game is an EVENT…the music, the videoes, the dancing, the band, the baton twillers…and of course the tailgating on the Quad. The game itself is only half of it. :)</p>

<p>lol Great analogies once again MABama!!</p>

<p>She should definitely buy the tickets. As MABama said they are only going to cost $15 or $20 depending on which package she gets. And when she sees all her friends going and the excitement that builds the week of a home game she’ll be happy she has a ticket. </p>

<p>If for some reason she doesn’t enjoy herself (inconceivable IMHO) then she can always donate her ticket to the ticket bank or even sell it to another student.</p>

<p>Will I need to put money in DD’s Bama Cash account before June1st for her to be able to purchase the tickets? Thanks</p>


<p>I don’t think so. I think they are billed to her regular school acct…which is not Bama Cash/Action card.</p>

<p>I can’t go back to my kids’ Fall 2010 billing page, but I’m sure that’s where I saw the charge.</p>

<p>In the future, just go to Pay Your Student Bill which is found on the main page of Mybama in the center column.</p>

<p>cctech: not in the past. When you have to pay the bill at the beginning of August, it will be on there then.</p>