freshmen housing?

<p>so far as a I know, all freshmen are required to live in a dorm
none of my family members lived or live in dorms before in college
(since they were or are international students but.. well.. I'm not..)
so I really have no idea what it would be like
so here I just few questions..</p>

<li><p>I'm an engineer major....
so I guess it's going to be either Galileo or RLC
someone said Galileo has more extra "tedious(?)" courses
whereas RLC has better dorms with fewer courses...
first of all, I'm just a type of guy trying to blend in than stand out
(at least that's what I feel now...)
so would it be a better choice to apply for Galileo experience-wise?</p></li>
<li><p>I checked the list on the VT website about what to bring to the dorms..
DAMM!! the list is huge .. do I really have to buy all that sh$$??</p></li>

<p>Any advices from experience??...
Thanks in advance..</p>

<li><p>Go with RLC.</p></li>
<li><p>Looking at the list online (I don’t know what list you’re looking at), there are a lot of items that you don’t need. A couple of things on that list that you don’t need:</p></li>
<li><p>Can Opener</p></li>
<li><p>Hot Pot</p></li>
<li><p>Glass Cleaner</p></li>
<li><p>Hand Soap (get liquid soap for when you shower)</p></li>
<li><p>Sewing Kit</p></li>
<li><p>Alarm Clock (use your phone)</p></li>

<p>The rest of the list are pretty basic things. Note that a lot of things you don’t need to bring with you. You can still buy paper towels in Blacksburg.</p>

<p>I was the one who answered your question on Galileo. I hear it sucks. RLC is the way to go if you want to avoid traditional dorms. Not to mention you will get leadership experience in the RLC, which would be something good to add to applications.</p>

<p>As for that list, don’t buy everything. If you go down the list, you can mark a lot of it off. The list isn’t specialized to just one gender, so there are opposite sex materials on there as well. You can cross those off. Pretty much only take what you need to survive in a dorm. It is less stuff to move in and less to move out. You will find out soon that move in days suck, especially if it like 95 degrees like it was last year. Ugh. As a note though, you can get anything you might need at the Dietrick General Store and there is a Wal-mart within about 10 minutes from campus. If you don’t have a car, no problem. There is a bus that goes from Blacksburg to Christiansburg. =)</p>

<p>thank you so much for the info guys, James2014 and ymon!!</p>

<p>No problem. As a note, our advice may not always be the best for you. The people who answer questions here only give their opinions and any information they might have on a subject. Our opinions could be different from yours. If you want to give Galileo a shot, you should. Just because we aren’t for Galileo means nothing and you should do some research on both of them and see which one you like better.</p>

<p>Actually I heard positive things about Galileo, although I didn’t go through it. Mostly it was just people that had a really easy time forming study groups since they all lived on the same floor anyway. To be honest they should just drop the BS class they make you take and let them all live on the same floors.</p>

<p>As far as what to bring, take a piece of paper and write down everything you use at home for a couple days. Add a bottle opener, tools and a sewing kit and you’ll have everything you need. Don’t forget you can always run to Kroger or Walmart and pick up anything you’ve forgotten.</p>