Freshmen Housing

<p>Can anyone list the UW on-campus housing options from best to worst?</p>

<p>No. One person’s first choice will be another person’s last choice. You need to prioritize your likes and dislikes. Location, architectural style/age, costs… every dorm has pros and cons. Diversity in places to live to match diversity in students one could say. The overall upkeep and amenities are kept the same for all of the dorms at the standard price. Upgrades such as air conditioning or learning communities add to the cost.</p>

<p>It really depends on what’s most important to you…having your own bathroom in the room, living in the most social dorm, having a big closet, having a room to yourself, being in a peaceful area, etc. what are you looking for?</p>

<p>I’m definitely living in a double. I would like to be in a relatively social dorm. One that’s close to whats happening on campus.
I definitely want to live in a relatively large dorm too. Any recommendations?</p>

<p>based on what you’ve mentioned you should look into ogg and smith. they both have huge rooms compared to all of the other dorms and large walk-in style closets with lots of storage room. also, the rooms are arranged in clusters of 3-4 rooms with bathroom for every cluster, so you won’t be sharing a bathroom with very many people.</p>

<p>i forgot to mention…smith is a bit more out of the way but has its own cafeteria on the main floor.</p>

<p>According to kids from my High School, who were admitted last year to Madison, don’t spend a HUGE amount of time agonizing over exactly which dorm you want to live in. They said that only like 15% of freshman get their first or second choice dorm. Most get a dorm that’s their 3-5 pick. I don’t know how accurate this info is, just passing along what 3 current students have told me.</p>