<p>I am currently an independent student at Concordia. I'm about to start my second semester.</p>
<p>First semester: A, A, A- (three poli sci classes—as an independent, they only let you take a max. of three courses per semester), which gives me a 3.9 cumulative GPA.</p>
<p>I graduated high school in 2006, then went to two different CEGEPs, and then, due to personal problems/lack of motivation/general stupidity, dropped out altogether. I don't have a DEC.</p>
<p>So for the moment I'm not even in a programme at Concordia—I'm just taking courses to build a transcript and eventually apply to a programme. I will try to get better grades next semester to improve my GPA and apply to McGill (political science—or maybe english lit if it's easier to get in?) for Fall 2012. (Will McGill even look at Winter 2012 grades for Fall 2012 applications?) I will also send applications to Universit</p>