$$ from George Washington

<p>if I get into GW do you think they will offer me anything??</p>

<p>My SAT is a 1910 (630 reading, 630 writing, 650 math) I have a 3.8 GPA 2nd decile in a VERY competative high school in Clarkstown New York. Nationally known HS. Im sure you hear that a lot but trust me on that one. </p>

<p>English 9h
Math 1h

<p>Bio H, Math II H, Principles of Engineering, English 10, CAD, Spanish II, Global History H</p>

<p>*CAD-computer aided design, engineering course</p>

<p>Chemistry, Math III, English 11, Spanish III, CAD II, Global History H (2nd part), Critical Health Issue (Honors Health course)</p>

<p>AP Physics, Spanish 200-201 H, Math 12 (Pre Calc), AP American History, College Business Law H, Social Physc, Public Speaking, Journalism (English electives because i finished a year early)</p>

<p>AP Micro economics, AP Macro, AP calc, AP Stats, AP Bio, AP art history, AP Lit, Public Policy H (required for graduation)</p>

<p>I also do alot of extracurricular stuff including:</p>

<p>Ambulance Corps (over 1500 hours of community service) achieved NYS certification through a 4 month course) I have been Secretary of the youth corps there, 1st Liutenant, and now captain. Received a County Award for youth member of the year. Got certificates of achievements from state senators, congressmen, and town executives. Also was featured in the national first responder Newspaper as well as the Journal News. </p>

<p>started a youth chapter of the American Red Cross...first ever in my county we organize blood drives and do courses for the little ones (more community service in addition to the 1500)</p>

<p>-JSA for 3 years
-president and vice president of Engineering Club for 2 years,
-President of Red Cross for 2 years
-National Honor Society for 2 years
-science achievement award (chem)
-Social Studies achievement award (3 years)
-Math National Honor society (Mu Alpha Theta)(3 years)
-Spanish Honor Society.
-Citizenship Award
-Whos Who Among American HS students (3 years).
-I also played hockey for 2 years in HS
-physics bowl</p>

<p>m also gonna have exceptional essays and reccomendations. I am also a camp counselor for 4th and 5th graders for the 2nd year now.</p>