From McIntire to law school

<p>How often do McIntire grads opt go to law school? (especially those with the intention of ending up in corporate finance)</p>

<p>I would like to be able to attend law school if finance doesn't work out for me. However, since law school admissions is a numbers game (3.8+ is recommended for T-14 law schools), I don't know if maintaining a high GPA would be feasible at McIntire.</p>

<p>Any insight?</p>

<p>GPA inflation is rampant at the Comm school, with averages ~0.4 grade points higher than at other schools. Once you’re in, maintaining a high GPA won’t be difficult.</p>

<p>[UVa</a> - Undergraduate Grade Point Averages](<a href=“]UVa”></p>

<p>…or perhaps there are just a lot of very smart hardworking students in the Comm School?</p>

<p>Any current Comm School students want to weigh in here about how difficult it is to maintain a high GPA?</p>

<p>In reality, law school is becoming a field for people who can’t get a job with their undergrad degree. Talk to any attorney - they will try to talk you out of law school. Once you have a Comm Degree, why waste your time in law school (unless you really really love the law and aren’t it for the money)? </p>

<p>Spend some time over on CC’s law school forum, to get more info.</p>