<p>Basically, there is never a moment here that I have where I'm thinking "man, I'm bored...I wish there was something for me to do".</p>
<p>Let's see...
3.091 isn't bad; no psets; just a little reviewing now and then
7.012 takes quite a bit of time for me since I don't particularly care for bio; otherwise Lander is awesome
24.02 philosophy often drives me crazy but if I can gain at least a little better perspective from this class...or at least be able to evaluate other people's arguments I will be happy; a lot of reading which I often fall behind on and some writing
18.022 vectors, vectors, vectors; I keep forgetting a part here or there on psets which is irritating and I screwed up the first test :(</p>
<p>Cross country sucks up a lot of time but I love it.</p>
<p>Yeah, so I need to get back to work now...</p>