Frost Auditions

<p>Flying in for my Son's audition this Friday. We think Frost/Umiami would be an ideal place for him. Any pointers for the audition from current Frost students/parents?<br>
Anybody else coming in from the east coast? </p>

<p>My D is auditioning on Friday, as well. We are not east coast, but we are north and are thrilled to be escaping this weather for a weekend! However, we were hoping to know whether she was academically accepted prior to the audition. Nothing on canelink yet, which is extremely frustrating! D is auditioning for composition and we would love any pointers!</p>

<p>Collegefortwins I think the early decision/action folks are still awaiting their acceptance news. I don’t think we will have info until end of March at the earliest. Frost applicants are only allowed to apply regular decision. A lot of high schools (including ours) just closed out the mid year and will submit reports end of next week.
My S is applying for Music Industry/Hornsby Song Writing with contemporary bass. Big storm tomorrow - looking forward to warm weather for a couple of days in FL. </p>

<p>I am a Frost mom and went through the nightmare of auditions last year. I feel for you. No real pointers. In some way this is the easy part. All those lessons and hours of practicing are over. Plenty of rest is key. And if your child is anything like my DS, say nothing!! Feel free to ask me anything, here or in PM! </p>

<p>NYsaxmom Can you describe the day a bit? Is it just a lot of waiting around? Was the audition in front of one person or a group? Do they have any kind of music theory test? Interview? Thank you!</p>

<p>The audition was in front of all the woodwind chairs. I believe one of them was absent for my son (might have been flute?). In addition, I believe Dale Underwood’s TA/main grad student was present. Not as much waiting around as some schools, but because you’re in Miami and the weather is perfect, hanging around is actually rather pleasant! Especially with the stress and impatience that attending auditions can bring. We had lunch outside and were fortunate enough to sit with one of the vocal jazz professors who was on a break from auditioning and answered many of my son’s questions even though he was not in her discipline. That’s also when we found out that there are one or two full scholarships up for grabs for music freshmen, 100% audition based. It was the most pleasant of all his auditions. I could be wrong but I seem to remember that there was no coffee for parents. That’s about the only negative. No formal interview as I recall and no test that day.</p>

<p>NYsaxmom Thank you. We had to be there at 8am and found out in the morning that his audition was at 5pm. Thank goodness I had booked the 9pm flight out of Miami. What an amazing campus. The weather was perfect. I was so impressed with the Deans passion. Great experience. Frost is now up there as one of his top choice. I was surprised that they didn’t give anykind of discount for bookstore or lunch and just sent you on your own to find lunch. I was also surprised that the events ended around 1pm and he didn’t have audition until 5pm. I wish they had suggested things for us to do or invited him to sit in on another class or something. We wandered around a bit and he rehearsed for awhile in a practive room but we were tired from coming in the night before and having to be on campus at 8am. Now we play the waiting game. </p>

<p>Good luck!!! My son loves it</p>

<p>Anybody know when decisions will be coming out? </p>

<p>They told me March 25th at my audition but I don’t see it really posted anymore so you definitely don’t have to take my word for it, but that’s all I know</p>

<p>^ Thank you. Hopefully this next week will go by quickly</p>

<p>Accepted!!! So excited :slight_smile: Now I just need them to give a little money and going.
Just got an email!!</p>

<p>I got my acceptance right after I post that! Now to wait for scholarships</p>