Frost school of music or tulane's music dept? CONFUSED!

<p>Hey to all,</p>

<p>I've gotten allll of my college decisions, and i am picking between university of miami and tulane, and absolutely cannot frekaing decide! AH! I am desperate for advice of some sort b/c i feel like i'm trapped between two great schools (though i have yet to visit tulane.)</p>

<p>i seriously DON'T KNOW WHAT to do!</p>

<p>i am in a similar dilemma my friend. i am between tulane's business school, miami's business school and brandeis. no clue how i am going to decide. i guess it will come down to campus visits.</p>

<p>miami's campus is really nice i have yet to see tulane's. although idk if miami is a fit b/c the students for the most part are pretty prissy and stuck up and i am SO not like that...then again,frost music school...the hard! What doto lol (maybe we can both utilize the throw a coin method haha.)</p>

<p>i did try the pull names out of a hat method and ended up choosing tulane the first time lol. but i didnt like that and did it over and over and was never comfortable with which name i drew lol. oh well...</p>

<p>haha that's always a weird way to do it i tend to do the same lol.</p>

<p>I wouldnt go to Tulane. Not for academics or anything. Both schools are good academically speaking. Location wise Miami is a lot better. New Orleans is not the best place to be in right now. most ppl tell u that the city is good after the hurricane, but its just not the same as it was in the good ol days. more crime, less vibe, lack of transportation (the trains arent running right now so if u dont have a car, ur stuck in the suburb with little to do). Campus life at both schools is great though. Miami has a more school spirit as it has a great football team and everyone goes and sees the game if ur into that stuff. </p>

<p>I dunno, this is my opinion. Both are good academically. Id pick Miami cause its the same academically and a way way better location + experience.</p>

<p>About the business school.</p>

<p>Miami has higher starting salaries than those of Tulane for business. this is according to Businessweek best undergrad biz programs. Also if ur into accounting and marketing, UM, according to bizweek undergrad programs, acc and marketing are ranked #2 in the U.S (only for undergrad though. dont mix with grad school).</p>

<p>BUT...with insanely good football teams comes athleticism (i am NOT athletic and the whole school seemed to be.) at least at tulane there'd be people more like me. but the thing is, if i dont get into tulanes music dept, i HAVE to go to miami and have no choice..only music programi got into so far it WILL (or could) be weird.</p>

<p>well, i am sure you have heard that asians are bad drivers, or teenagers always speed. all black people listen to rap music. there are millions of stereotypes and to some degree they are true, but that doesnt mean you should go give a random black person a rap cd, or tell all teenagers to slow down and tell asains to ride their bikes. </p>

<p>there are a couple thousand kids at every school. and the ratio of 'athletic' kids v. 'fat' kids may be different from miami to iowa u, but that doesnt mean there wont be a few hundred kids that are similar to you. and after all, you prob are not looking for 500 friends anyways. you will prob have around 10-20 good friends and about 50-90 good aquaintances. so i wouldnt worry about fitting in at a school.</p>

<p>Pick a school (any one of the ones you're deciding between).... stick with it for one week, as if you're going there..... make it your school.... if at the end of the week, you're happy with your "decision" stick with it, if you're not, change it....</p>

<p>FYI the kids at Frost are really not stuck up at all.... they are probably the least stuck up of everyone on campus.... and you can't really determine how stuck up people are based on a tour because you're in a completely new environment, so you're bound to feel a little insecure and appearance may be deceiving...... PLUS, I personally don't always look friendly when I pass a tour, but it doesn't imply that I'm not friendly in general.... kids are just stressed out when they're walking to class etc.....</p>

<p>Actually, that is exactly what I did. I was between Miami and Carnegie Mellon and it came down to me mentally choosing each school for a week or so. I realized I'd rather go to Miami after two weeks.</p>

<p>As for the stereotypes... yeah. I'm by no means athletic, or "stuck up" (but I guess this is all perspective anyway..) and after visiting the Coral Gables campus a couple of times, I see that a lot of these students may dress a certain way or to some people give of a "preppy vibe" but they are nice people. I spoke to several and I got a great impression of the campus. I used to be concerned about that, but then I figured that not everyone at a 10,000 student school can be "stuck-up" and similarly, not all of them are going to be the other way around, but if you could go to a school surrounded by people exactly like you, you'd be missing out on getting the whole diversity experience.</p>

<p>id pick tulane the campus is nicer and its stronger academically</p>

<p>Stronger Academically I wouldnt agree. Wether its prettier, thats subjective and it depends on what one likes. They each have a different touch: Tulane has a more gothic looking architecture which is nice while Miami has a more resort/country club feel which is different from most schools but nice. </p>

<p>Academically: Miami is just as good academically. True, Miami used to be way weaker in terms of academics about 7-10 years ago, but now it has changed. Many of their programs are top ranked, such as medecine (in the top 10). Its overall ranking has rose incredibly over the years and is now in the top 50. If you go to Miami or Tulane, at either one, you will recieve excellent academics.</p>

<p>At the end of the day, You should pick based on which city/campus feel you liked more, because academics are the same.</p>

<p>tulane looks like an old elegant castle, its huge and gorgeous, plus its super warm and by the's is more modern and resort like and is also warm and next to the ocean...tulane overall i feel has the edge in academics while miami is quickly improving and moving their way up in the ranks</p>

<p>thank you guys! I willhaveto visit TUlane soon. I think miami's campus is UNBELIEVABLE, but i really got odd vibes from the kids there. then again,i shouldn't speak b/c i was only there for 4 hours (to audition and then to walk aroujnd al ittle.) I guess it wouldn't be bad, but what would you do if you had to go to a school that you weren't quite sure was a good fit? oh, and to kensir, i am all about diversity,i am huge on it. I just wantt o be happy you know</p>

<p>what kind of vibes did you get?</p>

<p>We thought that the students at UM seemed friendly both times we have visited the campus. It was a welcomed surprise! Now hopefully the scholarship is in the mail soon :) D was accepted to the University of Tulane also, but never auditioned for them, so wouldn't have music as an option there.</p>

<p>its tulane university, not university of tulane</p>

<p>My "Stupid Mom" mistake... Sorry :)</p>