Frost School of Music

I am very much hoping to attend Frost School of Music in the fall of 2017. I am wondering if there is anyone reading this who attends now, who was accepted or who knows someone who was accepted. My question is this: what amount of scholarship money is/was awarded?

Waiting on Frost at this point. Sorry that the Stamps Jazz Scholarship was already awarded for this year. Good luck to those who received it. Still waiting for notification and scholarship information. I think it is supposed to come out on or around March 25th.

I think the website says mid March, but who knows…

@beaglemom, I think they said by the end of March at the audition though… oh well, time will tell…

@elise303 You may be correct. We were told mid-March, but that was at a mid-January visit so perhaps you heard later. It may have been delayed since we heard there were some technical problems.

Oh, I saw many people discussing the school-wide scholarship money from Miami, but I am wondering if the same scholarships would apply to Frost students or if Frost has a total different pot of money.

@beaglemom, I am not sure about the school - wide scholarship money from Miami. I would assume that if merit is awarded that comes from UM and if music money is awarded that would come from Frost, but that is a guess. I called the school at some point the week before last and the person who answered the phone at Frost said that acceptances are scheduled to start going on on March 21. She said that is the date as of now. So sounds like it won’t be before March 21 and may be a bit after. What kind of technical problems were there and how do you know? Good luck to all. Keep busy so the time passes quickly.

it is mid march, lets hope they start letting people know soon

@uh1223, not before March 21 and may be after this date.


It’s today

^^^Is the above a question, or a statement of fact???

I called. They said today. Do not have a time. If someone else does please post

@beaglemom, holy crap, really?

Sounds goo. I am going to set my alarm and check every hour or so. That way I won’t be sitting and starting at my computer getting nothing done. I do think though that they will release information at 5 or right after the office closes. That is the way most do it.

EA decisions were released at 5pm EST

What is EA? Early action? This is for music which is regular decision only, right?

Yes but if other decisions were sent out at 5pm then it would make sense that these decisions would come out at 5pm

@fhbf11, oh yes, I misread your post. That does make sense. Oh and I think I remember reading this- there is a problem with the pop up blocker on Chrome so if you can’t get on - try safari. Guess post if it is good news!

good sign. bad sign. no sign at all - that my S account says you may have outstanding charges on your account please click the link below? NO LINK THOUGH