<p>Just in one of those ****ty moods... depressed and feeling cynical. Wish my GF was smarter, and don't think that's a good reason to dump her after 7 months of a relationship.... after all intelligence is not everything, but she doesn't provide for interesting conversations or have any real passions other than watching manga, which I do watch and found to my delight that I actually enjoy... but I feel like I am missing something, and either need smarter gf or to do math in solitude. (She's a math person as well), and she cares for me, but she flunked one of her calculus midterms, and now can't take it anymore, but even though I offer to teach her and learn with her, she just gives up, and doesn't seem to have much of an interest in math anymore or at all, other than to get her degrees for engineering.....</p>
<p>Perhaps any helpful advice or comforting words? Nasty comments will be disregarded and not internalized, :) <<<<<<< most fake smily ever,</p>
<p>This might not be a great mindset to be in, but you’re in high school. You’re a teenager. I highly doubt you’re gonna marry this girl, but if you can’t get over her lack of intelligence, then something’s wrong. Maybe make a pro/con list for her haha? Why are you with her/why don’t you want to be?
I think that everything will work out. Congrats on 7 months :)</p>
<p>It sounds fairly condescending for you to say you can’t deal with your girlfriend being less intelligent. First, there’s the whole bit about intelligence not being quantitative (and not actually existing in the sense of the word that most people think of). But also, as for academics… You didn’t say she abhors books and acts like a bimbo, you said that she’s a math person, but got an F on a calculus test (<em>gasp</em>). You mourn that she’s only interested in math now to become an engineer, but that’s not a pursuit that most would consider filled with subpar intelligences (if one were to assume an erroneous stand that there is such a thing as an intellectual par).</p>
<p>If you don’t enjoy talking to her or doing things with her and don’t care for her, then there’s little point in staying with her. However, there are mental faculties more important than logical (math/science) intelligence, and you may want to examine yours. If you really can’t stand that she doesn’t take math as seriously as you, then little can be done. But please, do not present that as some form of mental deficiency. I would wager that the majority of American teenagers could not master the math necessary to even get into a calculus class. And even then, devotion to mathematics does not entail high intelligence (once again, using a working definition for your purposes), merely a like for a particular activity.</p>
<p>You sound condescending, but don’t you stay in a relationship out of pity, that’s even worse. If you don’t like her, just dump her. It’s high school. Nbd.</p>
<p>thank you billymc, you do not know my circumstances but you made your points very well, covering nearly all possible scenarios and providing good perspective on intelligence.</p>