<p>do you guys experience frustrations in getting the classes you want every semester? like wanting to take a bunch of classes that somehow all overlap times or are full.. seems like it happens to me all the time and it doesnt help in deciding which sciences to take.</p>
<p>is this something that happens at every school?</p>
<p>^ Lol, great - make the OP feel worse about ****ty registration.</p>
<p>OP, I’m sure it happens to everyone at some point during their college career. Registration is never perfect for anyone. For my school, seniors have the earliest time, and then juniors, then sophs, then finally frosh. And on top of that, the engineers of each grade get to reg a few days before the LA-school kids -_- So last year I was the very bottom of the barrel, and then at that bottom, reg. times are randomly distributed to some 20-30ish blocks of times. I got like 2:00 and 1:something both semesters which was pretty ****ty, considering it opens at 8. I lost a chance at some prof’s that I really wanted and whatnot, but there’s really no way around it. So registering at the end of last year earlier than all the frosh felt pretty good - despite one class filling up REALLY quickly, still 6th on the waitlist lol. But I’m sure everyone has felt your pain at least once.</p>
<p>You need to chill and stop attacking people’s advice. Did OP ask you specifically or everybody else? Suggestion of getting into Honors college is more solid than yours, apparently you still have problem registering, if you want so much to compare your superiority to everybody’s else lack of brain matter.</p>
<p>How is “suggestion of getting into Honors college” a “solid” idea? The OP is CLEARLY already in college (not honors) since he stated: “seems like it happens to me all the time”… but then again, we already know your English comp. isn’t the best… </p>