<p>Florida State University is more than just a world-class academic institution preparing you for a future career. We are a caring community of well-rounded individuals who embrace leadership, learning, service, and global awareness. With this in mind, which of these characteristics appeal most to you, and why?</p>
<pre><code> The whole world is connected through the ocean. We aren't separate entities floating above the mantle divided by a large expanse, the ocean is actually our highway. Men for centuries have used it as the road for exploration. Global awareness not only involves travel but is a means for self exploration, through the experiences of places oceans away. Just as the ocean dominates our planet through an expanse of oneness, we will all become connected through our knowledge and openness to one another sparking a powerful drive for transformation of the human race.
The Indian government and relief organizations were successful in saving lives during the threat of an impending typhoon During October, because they were aware if the severity of the storm and acted quickly to move coastal peoples out of harms way instead of allowing them to brace for the storm. However just a few short weeks later in the Philippines their was another massive typhoon, although this time many lives were lost. Despite awareness of the danger, poor judgment calls were made. Concern for our neighbors and knowledge of crises in other parts of the world may have saved those people because they would have realized that evacuation was the only answer because of all factors. India realizing the huge task of recovery for the Philippines because of its own experiences has given vital aid. Global awareness can help us to anticipate future problems we may face and how to overcome them through examples of other countries.
Like most people I have prejudged. For Instance most assume New York as all Hustle and Bustle and lack of manners. In Victoria Secret's during cashing up, I discovered a special, so I rushed for more items to qualify. On my way back I collided with a man and brushed him off with a quick apology. He would not accept that, and right there in the place known for scorn I was forced to be humble and give a sincere one. Global awareness reveals our foolish preconceived notions.
Florida state university welcomes waves of people from across the ocean every year. Through its various programs such as global pathways and international programs students immerse themselves and become one with the unknown, like a deliver plunging the depths. Global awareness is important to me as an international student and also a global citizen in that I would feel welcomed and accommodated on campus while being afforded the opportunity to transform not only myself but others through conflict resolution, respect and openness to new cultures, all which take place during cultural exchanges.
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new lands , but in seeing with new eyes." Marcel Proust words mean to me that discovery of new lands and ideals make us aware of other opinions and other parts of truth and reason. Through others we can discover our shortcomings, discover our uniqueness, discover future problems, discover deeper meanings of life's mysterious ways, discover we are one.
<p>This was just a quick first draft, opinions welcomed</p>