<p>I will be attending Florida State next year (as a freshman) and have been asked my preference of dorms. Can anyone advise me on the condition/best dorms on campus or at least which one to avoid. Thanks</p>
<p>If you qualify for Honors get into Landis or Gilchrist. Landis is newly renovated, Gilchrist recently renovated. Good east side dorms - all are decent, all have been renovated (Jennie Murphree, Reynolds, Broward, Bryan). Diviney needs rehab, but better than Smith or Kellum. Salley is OK, try to stay there during orientation to check it out, but east side better and classic university Gothic. </p>
<p>Avoid Kellum, Smith</p>
<p>If not Honors, make the grades and transfer after the first semester if possible.</p>
<p>Thanks, That is just what I was hoping to find out.</p>
<p>Although I didn't live in Kellum or Smith, I never heard anyone complain about them because they were so social. I lived in Bryan hall my first year and it was great, and would recommend it over Broward. Close-knit group and a class right in your dorm.</p>
<p>Actually, I think you are correct. Both Smith and Kellum have been renovated, and my info comes from my own observation and the opinion of my kids, one who is residence at FSU. </p>
<p>All have AC, high-speed Internet and so on.</p>
<p>i know some off campus apartments allow you to move in for free over the summer once the dorms get out. Seminole Grand is doing that i thinkā¦</p>