<p>Hi, First time mom posting. I think I'm stressing out about this admission process more than my son!!! Anyway, my son is applying to the Film School but the chances of getting in are extremely low. Will he be able to still be accepted to FSU without getting into the Film School?</p>
<p>Your son can be accepted into Florida State without being accepted into the film school (and I wish him the best of luck, by the way!). I considered applying for the musical theatre program, and they told me explicitly that I would only be accepted into that program if I were accepted into the university. I decided not to audition and became an English/Humanities major instead! </p>
<p>What is your son's backup, if he has one formulated yet?</p>
<p>His backup?!!! that's what I'm most nervous about. He is also applying to UF, Boston University and Miami Univ. We're also from Florida so it would be great to get into a public Fl. univ what with Bright Futures and Prepaid. Wanted him to apply to a safety school like UCF or FAU but he refuses. Oh Well!!! Thanks so much for your quick response.</p>
<p>Good luck with your son's admission!</p>
<p>Sorry this is long - </p>
<p>I was applying to the Film School last year and here’s a few pointers for your son and anyone else who wants to go to FSU Film school:</p>
<p>A.) If he doesn’t make the freshman cut, he can transfer as a junior (First 2 years are just academics anyhow) so let him know he’s got more than one chance.
B.) If you go to an orientation (they should have posted dates) he’ll get a chance to meet deans and faculty personally before he applies and get a tour of the school and even meet some students.
C.) Meeting the Deans/Faculty - just relax and be yourself (<em>your not an applicant right now - just intersted</em>). I went and so many prospective students just sat there frozen in there chairs afraid to say anything (they were in applicant mode). I told a few jokes to the assistant dean and it seemed to have kept the room alive.
D.) If you go with him to Orientation - Let him right down notes, it will show his independence from you or just do what my dad did and leave him alone there to enjoy it himself. (I was the only one without a parent over me writing notes religiously).
E.) smile the Whole Time! I was so excited to be there I couldn’t stop. When one parent asked the assistant dean “So, who is it you’re looking for?” She pointed directly at me. (I blushed heavy).
F.) I had a part-time job at a news station I hated, that’s why I was making the film transition. But it probably would’ve looked good if I applied</p>
<p>Why I didn’t apply even though I probably would’ve made it in - I didn’t need the film school to be happy, I needed a creative enviornment (That’s all). I know, I’m crazy I guess. Maybe grad school I’ll do it. I’d already done full-time year-round college and I needed a break, fsu just wasn’t it that time, maybe in the future. FSU retains all rights to films but it excellent in providing an enviornment and funding that is truely a rare opportunity. I love FSU film school, but I had other scholastic ambissions too. I was a transfer going up against 1200 applicants and 5 would have made it, maybe I would have if I applied, but like I say to all the kids who come to me seeking the magic key for the admissions gate - “Do what you love and the grades will come, the test scores will follow your passion and hard work.” I had graduated high school with 2.3 GPA and no SATS but today I have a full-ride for college and for FSU to say they were looking for someone like me just blew me and the rest of the room out the door. Now for the past year in college, I have a 3.1 GPA because my passion makes me work hard. I guess FSU just saw that.</p>