FSU honors vs Univ of Arizona Honors

wondering if anyone can shed some light on either of these programs, or compare them. daughter is OOS for both and both offered nice $ awards. I guess a factor would be what the students are like who are NOT in the honors college, since my daughter does not want to limit her interactions to that group only.

It’s like an elimination series with you :slight_smile:

Just put them all together.

The U of A Honors dorm is unreal - really nice - and has a dining hall on the bottom floor and a gym and counseling center adjacent. It’s not the best located but - and the U of A campus is much nicer than FSU - although that’s an opinion.

U of A is easier to get into because it’s a Hispanic Serving Instituion - and it’s set up for easy access - i.e. mainly all are accepted, even remedial. I have a relative working there who was explaining to me about this and IPEDs and all. But they still have a ton os accomplished kids with a strong engineering and B school, strong in Poli Sci, and frankly, like your kid, they buy them in.

FSU will be stronger overall. Honors is really a hard get so that your kid got it is very impressive - and as much as U of A buys kids in, assuming you got the OOS waiver, it’s also a cheap deal. Don’t know much about Honors there other than it’s a hard get (mine didn’) - but I’ve never read a bad word about FSU on this website.

Tucson > Tallahassee - you have gorgeous desert, great hiking, snow an hour away if you want it, easy enough to access, downtown nearby.

Tallahassee - well I go back for work next month…doesn’t raise the arm hairs on the arm…as a city :slight_smile:

I appreciate your advice, as always!

set up a college basketball bracket!!! You have too many - this vs that. Why not UF vs UW or Arizona vs. UGA.

Like everyone says - take your daughter - and she will decide. If she loved UT, she’s likely not going to love UF, etc. or UW for that fact (as it’s not “in” the city.

You don’t have a bad choice but given your is UGA the next U MIchigan, the pedigree thing weighs on you.

But I promise, it won’t matter - not the the I don’t know what I want to do 17 year old poli sci student.

I mean, my kid at the far less Charleston, has more opportunities - I’m guessing - then she would have had she chosen UF - due to size, access to profs, and their political insitute which brings in cool speakers, etc.

So it’s about more than the name!!

I hope you take her to all these - she will tell you!! Then you’ll know for sure!!!

If FSU honors mimics that of UF (and I believe it does) the biggest perk is preferred registration for classes. Absolute wonderful perk not to be underestimated.

Another is special honors dorm. What makes this nice is not at all that it separates a student from others but that they have special events already set up to introduce kids to others in their dorm. Makes it easy to meet those around you even before classes start. Is it necessary? No–but it is nice. Believe me there are plenty of smart kids around who aren’t in honors.

FSU isn’t a big town but has a very pretty campus. As a student there is no shortage of clubs etc. to keep you busy. I’ve only met happy students.

What’s the major?

What major?

Can’t let this go. Love that your kid loves Charleston!
UF does have some large classes but those are generally gen ed classes (many of which students may use AP/DE credits. Once you actually are into your specific major classes the class size may drastically shrink. Don’t think that because an university is large that it relates the same to class size. Same with access to professors. I was in a class of 300 once (back in the time) and still was able to meet professors and get help one on one.

UF brings in tons of people to speak at UF–open to all.
One of the best aspects of a larger university is that they are able to offer many majors and opportunities that are simply not available at smaller institutions.

That’s not what I’m saying -

I’m saying - and OP (not his kid) is seeking prestige - and what I’m saying is - it’s not all about prestige.

I was referencing that at a given school - and maybe one has to look into offerings - there may be nuggets you can clip. But yes I did mention size and my daughter hasn’t had any over 40 or so but i’m really alluding to the “prestige” element because from OPs other posts - including the is UGA the Michigan of the South - I know this is a factor for him - the dad.

So I wasn’t slamming a school but noting maybe OP has to find - are there nuggets - some poli sci experise that would make one better than the other. I’ll admit - for example - mine is working with the Ketner Foundation and the Mroz Institute - didn’t know about either when she accepted. She just got lucky as it turns out.

Perhaps each of the many school’s OP is looking at has similar type offerings/connections - and was just noting - maybe OP should find those nuggets. They may or may not have at the bigger schools and they may or may not give the individual opportunities that these groups do at the bigger schools. That might be a good way to differentiate them.

Most every large flagship and large private will have large classes - that’s just how it is - was when i went to school too - at Syracuse.

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Well. If OP is looking for poly sci? FSU.

Thanks for the prompt to look at previous posts. OP posts more info about his daughter in this thread.

OP is a good dude - but has a lot of different posts :slight_smile: Some under a previous name.

just looking for opinions on schools, guys, don’t take it so seriously. my kid is looking at schools that aren’t always so popular around where we live and it’s not always easy to learn about them. I thought that’s what this forum is all about so I come here looking for info (and sometimes to try to offer some myself).
And I think many people can gain some useful bits of info from the responses to my posts, which is a good thing.
I won’t be posting much longer- pretty soon my youngest kid will have made her choice, I guess, and I will need a new hobby.

to be honest, I wish there were more “this school vs that school” threads here. I find them useful, especially since the long thread about college visits hasn’t been that active.

I asked which major because some schools are better for certain majors. I don’t follow all of your posts so I didn’t realize that you had posted more info elsewhere. I linked to your other post so that others who are like me, would be able to give you more personalized advice when comparing the two schools.

You can get the this vs that pretty quick by listing what you are really looking for. Don’t spin the wheels.

If you want poly sci then FSU and apply to UF law school.

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What you probably don’t realize is that people do take these questions seriously. Just saying. Not faulting you but it’s not Reddit.

I think - and go past these two schools to OPs entire list - so UT, UW, UGA, UF too - outside of a few top schools - meaning UVA, UNC, UM, the two UCs, maybe W&M - for a polo sci student that doesn’t know what they want in life - a flagship is a flagship is a flagship.

Yea, some are stronger in certain areas than others. An ASU in supply chain, a Ga Tech in engineering.

But for a kid like this - the name - whether Binghamton, Nebraska, Truman State or Florida won’t matter. Even if it were a UNC or UVA it likely wouldn’t matter.

The student experience will matter. What can they offer her? But the name. Nope

It’s just reality.

let’s say you are right, as I suspect you are, I still wouldn’t mind opinions on factors other than finances and future prospects. like school vibes and culture, neighborhood, campus…

it seems harder to get that kind of intel on CC these days, for whatever reason. kinda depressing. college is still supposed to be fun, too, for some kids.

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So ask the questions you want answered. Pretty done here honestly.

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And that’s why you are gonna go visit - like you did UT.

When you go to Tucson, go to No Anchovies. UF - Bolay althiugh it’s a few miles off campus. !!

I think all the stuff you’re asking about is all opinion based. But area, etc of all the schools - to me - Tucson wins hands down. Such variety environmentally, such a great campus, terrific culture, and just epic scenery.

You’ll add it to your retirement list.

Oh, and make sure you don’t leave town without an eegies.

I’ll be in Gainesville and thassee week of the 20th. They - exist - but I’ve never seen the city charm etc. others may - I don’t. I do love Bolay tho. They have them all over. And 4 Rivers bbq is good too. A few miles off.

Seattle and Austin I don’t love but I’m not a city guy. But your daughter loved UT so if she loves that urban feel, it’s gonna win.

I’m having fun with it. But just saying there’s no right answer. They’re all good !!

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Check out Embers. Or Satchel’s pizza. lol.

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