<p>im a senior from upstate new york probably in the top 25% of my class (they dont release rank till the end of the eyear)
I've taken as many AP's and Honors classes as I could in Sciences, English, and Social studies. I've had weak performance in math all my years, it's really hard for me but everything else has tended to be A's and B's. My weighted average is much rosier than my unweighted (3.3). However my senior year might make the difference with no C's whasoever on my first report card and only two b's in a total of 7 classes.
SAT scores 1980 new version 1290 on old. ACT composite of 29. </p>
also i've been involved in JV Golf 8-11, Varsity Golf 12; JV Tennis 7-9, Varsity Tennis 10-12 (treasurer 9-12, expected captain this year). FBLA 11-12 (treasurer 12); faith formation in my RCC church 10-11 with varioius community service activities, and a 2 week summer writer's camp at the Kent school in the summer after freshman year.
so what do you guys think my chances are of getting in?</p>