FSU ranked one of the five best values in the country

<p>Best Value Colleges for 2009 and how they were chosen
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<p>[Best</a> Value Colleges for 2009 and how they were chosen - USATODAY.com](<a href=“http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/best-value-colleges.htm]Best”>http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/best-value-colleges.htm)</p>

<p>TOP 10 </p>


<li>Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, Pa.)</li>
<li>Harvard College (Cambridge, Mass.)</li>
<li>Princeton University (Princeton, N.J.)</li>
<li>Rice University (Houston, Texas)</li>
<li>Yale University (New Haven, Conn.)</li>
<li>Williams College (Williamstown, Mass.)</li>
<li>Amherst College (Amherst, Mass.)</li>
<li>California Institute of Technology (Pasadena)</li>
<li>Pomona College (Claremont, Calif.)</li>
<li>Stanford University (Stanford, Calif.)</li>



<li>University of Virginia (Charlottesville)</li>
<li>New College of Florida (Sarasota)</li>
<li>College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, Va.)</li>
<li>State University of New York-Binghamton</li>
<li>Florida State University (Tallahassee)</li>
<li>North Carolina State University (Raleigh)</li>
<li>University of California San Diego</li>
<li>City University of New York – Hunter College (New York, N.Y.)</li>
<li>University of Georgia (Athens)</li>
<li>The College of New Jersey (Ewing)</li>

<p>Source: The Princeton Review</p>

<p>The analysis uses the most recently reported data from each institution for its 2008-09 academic year. The top 10 public and private “Best Values” are ranked; the rest are listed alphabetically. </p>

<p>FULL STORY: Getting the most bang for your college buck</p>

<p>The Princeton Review selected the schools based on surveys of administrators and students at more than 650 public and private college and university campuses. </p>

<p>Overall selection criteria included more than 30 factors in three areas: academics, costs and financial aid. Academic ratings were based on student surveys about such issues as professors’ accessibility and class sizes, as well as institutional reports about student-faculty ratios and percent of classes taught by teaching assistants. </p>

<p>FIND MORE STORIES IN: Princeton Review
The financial aid rating is based on a combination of school-reported data and student surveys. Tuition, room and board, and required fees, as well as book costs and other factors, are included in the financial measurement.</p>

<p>OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: Financial doors open to applicants that plan ahead</p>

<p>Awesome. I’m kinda surprised UF isn’t on there too… </p>

<p>Nonetheless, way to go FSU.</p>

<p>hells yes, fsu.</p>

<p>and i heard new college was a joke. i have a friend who went there, and he said that one day his professor dropped acid before coming to class. all the kids were there waiting when he came in, took one look around, screamed “i can’t teach a class of BROCCOLI!” and ran out of the room. needless to say, class was suspended for the day. point is, it might be a good deal, but it’s drug central.</p>

<p>Great news for Florida State!</p>

<p>New College is so awesome though. If you’re a hippie, druggie, vegan, eccentric, it’s the perfect place. It’s in my hometown! SRQ represent!</p>

<p>Awesome! I heart you, Florida State!</p>