Fulfilling two requirements with one class?!?!?!?!

<p>This may be a rather "noob" question but is it possible to fulfill say a physical science breadth requirement and an american culture requirement with one class ( specifically eps 170 ac with brimhall)?</p>

<p>no. you cannot do that.</p>

Degree</a> Requirement-L&S Requirements
"While some courses are listed under more than one breadth category, no single course may be used to satisfy more than one category."</p>

<p>You can't use a class to fulfill multiple breadth requirements at once, but you can use it to fulfill the AC requirement along with a breadth.</p>

<p>Agree with Christopher</p>

<p>Don't follow what shadow2 said. You can use a class to satisfy a breadth and the AC requirement.</p>

<p>edit: check this link...</p>

<p>Planning</a> Your Years@Cal-American Cultures</p>

<pre><code>Q - Can I also use my AC course to satisfy one of the L&S breadth requirements?

A - Yes. For example, you might take History 7A, Intro to U.S. History, to satisfy your AC requirement. This course would also satisfy your L&S requirement of Historical Studies, and if you plan to major in Political Science, History, or another major that has a prerequisite in American History, this would also satisfy a major prerequisite. Although most students complete the University's American History requirement during high school, if you did not, then History 7A would satisfy that requirement too.