Full IB Necessity Update

I thought it would be a good idea to bring up this discussion again as a few of my circumstances have changed.

For anyone unaware of what I’m talking about here is a previous discussion: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/international-baccalaureate-ib/2038964-full-ib-necessity-p1.html

I’m now in my Junior year and was Full IB, but am no longer pursuing that diploma. It was not rigor issue, in fact I can now say that much of what was being said about the course load felt like fear-mongering. Regardless, I was starting to realize that I had classes coming up that I really had no interest in taking and never really cared about the diploma so I dropped the Full IB track right before my 3rd Trimester of Junior Year began. Part of this decision was that I doubted my standardized tests would not be good enough to get into the top schools that I felt this rigor would be necessary for. I was wrong though and did much better then I thought I would with a 32 on the ACT. My question becomes: will I get screwed in the rigor department when it comes to applying to colleges next year? I’m still taking the full IB track with the exception of TOK and IB Spanish. Recently, I was told I would still be fine in the rigor department when it comes to schools like Notre Dame (my dream school). Is there any truth to this? I’m just wondering if anyone really knows where I stand with this. Ant help would be greatly appreciated.

Note: For further reference to my academic profile, this thread can be referenced: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/2115981-help-me-with-my-college-search.html#latest

Well if u have an explanation not really

Being more detailed: I’d say that… depends which colleges ur aiming at… and depends what u do in the lapse to make up for it…
also depends if u have a valid reason for it.

It will depend on whether your GC indicates that you are taking the most rigorous course load. If yes, and if you replaced the IB classes with something of equal challenge, you should be fine.

@gardenstategal This too… but its more important to see if u urself are ok with it… and r confident in ur capability

In terms if rigor, what matters is whether your Guidance Counselor checks on the box on the GC form on the Common App which says “this student took the most rigorous curriculum available to them.” If your GC says they will do that with your current course load, then you are fine. It all depends on the school, so ask your GC a direct question.

I know of a few kids that took IB courses and did not complete the Diploma program. Every kid is unique and did not pursue it for different reasons. Some of those kids went on to excellent schools or mediocre schools. That’s where your unique story comes in. It’s all what you make of it. Go rock what’s left of your Junior year. Make your summer count and let that Senior year shine so bright, the fact that you didn’t pursue the IB diploma won’t even be an issue.