Full ride for out-of-state NMF

<p>The site says out of state National Merit Finalists get $19,500. It sounds like that is $19,500 a year. Is that full tuition and board?</p>

<p>The total value of this award over four years is $78,000.</p>

<p>Not quite full room and board. San Pedro is $4200 and lowest meal plan is $1800. Taxes have to paid on scholarships for room and board, plus parents can lose you as a deduction on their taxes.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.honors.arizona.edu/scholarvisitflyer.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.honors.arizona.edu/scholarvisitflyer.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I spoke with the folks at UA today. They were very nice and very interested in our son. They said that the value of the scholarship will not increase every year (even if tuition and/or room/board does). Still, $78,000 or she was $80,000 is quite generous given the current costst at the school.</p>

<p>She said they'll be sending out more mailings in late October & will probably ask son to apply for a free trip to UA to see what he thinks. She promised to keep in touch with us.</p>