Full-Ride Offer Out of State Chances?

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I posted this in another forum, but thought it was better fit here.</p>

<p>I’m currently entering senior year, and I am very seriously considering going to Baruch College in NYC next year (currently living in New Jersey), though I’m definitely going to need some financial help. Here are my stats:
-Weighted GPA: 100.54
-Rank: 2 of about 400
-700 on SAT Critical Reading
-740 on SAT Math
-9 AP Courses by the end of Senior Year (Already received a 5 in AP Language and Comp, AP Stats, and a 4 in U.S. History)
-Co-President of the Spanish Club
-Secretary of the Social Studies Honor Society
-Member of Math Honor Society
-Member of World Language Honor Society
-Member of Science Honor Society
-Member of SGA General Assembly
-Member of the Leo Club
-Writer for the school newspaper</p>

<p>I think I’m decently qualified, but I’m really not sure how their scholarship or honors programs work. I’ve looked into the Macaulay Honors College, but heard they don’t offer full-tuition for out-of-state students. Does Baruch alone offer it either through their honors program or scholarships? If so do I have a good chance of receiving it? Also, do they have scholarships which offer money for dorming as well? I’ve heard they have rooms at 1760 3rd Avenue, but they cost around $12,000 which would be a bit of a problem even if I got tuition money from them.</p>

<p>Sorry for asking so many questions. I’m just trying to figure this all out.</p>