Full ride or Harvard?

Hi my names _____ Im new to CC, seen it a couple times for college support but thats about it. This is my first post so some advice could really be helpful.
My friend was given two amazing opportunities that i’m sort of interested in. He’s being offered either a full ride to UofL or admission into Harvard. Note this did not happen recently, it happened a year ago. The only reason im asking this now is to see whether other people would have made the same decision
Just a simple question - which one would you choose if you had the chance?

It’s unanswerable unless you factor in how much of Harvard’s tuition and fees can be affordable and to what extent Harvard (with one of the best Fin Aid resources extant) would offset the cost.

I interview for a Harvard peer school. Admits to my school (like Harvard) are often the recipients of full ride scholarships. And often, they accept them. This isn’t unusual. I run into families with this dilemma every year.

BTW, what type of “admission” to Harvard did your friend claim to receive? A graduate fellowship? The college doesn’t admit people for quite a while (indeed, the earliest anyone could hear anything is Oct 1, the first date that the unofficial acceptance through a Likely Letter can be issued).

This didn’t happen recently, sorry for the confusion. He was admitted a year ago and had already made his decision then, the only reason i’m asking this question now is because i was wondering if other people would’ve chosen the same. He didn’t receive much financial aid so he choose to attend UofL for a full ride and turn down his Harvard admission.

He made a great decision. A person admitted to Harvard likely possesses fantastic academics and other factors. He’ll excel at UoL and not have to worry about any debt. What a fantastic option.

I suspect you posted this to gin up some chatter as if Harvard is the penultimate – since most of the world seems to be over-enamored w/prestigious colleges. From someone with a degree from one, we all know it’s mostly puffery. I wouldn’t trade my 4 years for anything and while the “name” does connote certain things, we as graduates from those schools, know there is MUCH more important things to life than the school the conferred my diploma.

I agree. And haha in a way i did, just wanted to see what Harvard was to people. Thanks for your response


“Penultimate” means second place.

I know lots of people who turned down Ivy offers in favor of schools with an overall less blingy name-- including me.

My daughter turned down a full ride for MIT, but she received amazing aid from MIT so that was a no brainer.

Actually, penultimate means second to last.

Y is the penultimate letter of the alphabet.

Have your friend post to ask the question. What do you care about his decision?