Full ride to UT dallas vs. Probably nothing (maybe 1-2k a year) at UT Austin

<p>It's a tough decision..................I really want to go to UT austin though...which would you do?</p>

<p>depends on what you want to major in. Full ride is a hard deal to pass up tho…</p>

<p>How is it you got a full ride at UT Dallas but UT Austin zip?</p>

<p>I’m majoring in electrical engineering. Utd gives out so much moneyvits not even funny…ut hasnttold me yet but I do know they don’t give much.</p>

<p>You got a full ride to UTD with a 1620 SAT? o.O
A full ride is really hard to turn down, but I would go with UT since I <3 UT.</p>

<p>Your not going to get into UT as a EE major, so UTD will be your only choice. They put my stats into their formula, and I wasn’t getting a full ride. I am fairly positive your not getting a full ride.</p>

<p>my friends say that have say I have a chance…I guess they were trying to make me feel good then?</p>

<p>UT is better but UTD would be smarter. I would do UT though.</p>

<p>i went to utd and had a full ride…dont go there…go to austin.</p>

<p>I want a degree that has national reputation in case I want to work in California or on the East Coast. While this probably shouldn’t matter later in life, people will always judge you in part on where you went to college; and it’ll always be on your resume. Nobody knows of UT Dallas outside Texas.</p>

<p>I couldn’t tell you where many of my co-workers went to college, only whether they pull their weight now. I think that’s true in most fields. I will say I have had bosses who had their heads turned by a fancy pedigree. Idiots. A friend of mine likes to say, “Some people are show horses; some people are work horses.” :)</p>

<p>My guess is that the only way you can justify going to UT-Austin will be for the experience. This is 4 years of your life, and you have to consider that this is a life changing decision…not just a place to study.</p>

<p>From a numbers perspective, I think you will have a hard time choosing UT over UTD. I suspect that avg starting salaries for EE from each school is not that different. However, don’t take this at face value. You absolutely must research salary information for the two schools. It is probably widely accessible and it would be very dumb of you not to look into.</p>

<p>I’ll make this a very simple mathematical solution. UT>UTD</p>

<p>Full Disclaimer: UT-Austin Alum.</p>

<p>UT-Austin’s EE/ECE program is nationally recognized. You get way better career service and recruiting opportunities with a degree from UT-Austin. The tuition at UT-Austin isn’t that high. You can cover all 4 years of tuition with your first year’s salary. I’m not saying that you are not going to get a job if you get a degree from UTD, but it’ll be harder. The Texas brand is very strong in Texas and around the country. You can’t say the same thing about UTD.
My impression from talking with people who attended UTD is that UTD’s academics isn’t nearly as demanding as UT-Austin’s.
Plus, you get a better college experience at UT-Austin. UTD is more of a commuter school. Part of college is having fun and making friends. I don’t think you get the same amount of fun and networking in UTD.
I’ll take UT-Austin over a full ride from UTD any day.</p>

<p>I have this exact same issue. :confused: I’m more fond of UT Austin but that might be a bit biased considering I spent two weeks at summer camp there and have never visited UTD… I’m majoring in Computer Science.</p>

<p>Understandably engineering degrees at UT Austin vs UT Dallas has some brand recognition. Is it the same for pre-med (ie. Biologie, Chemistry) ? It is hard to justify to go to UT Austin in that type of field vs a full ride at UTD (college experience put aside). Do you agree ? </p>

<p>Why would someone go to UT Austin to study Chemistry as pre med vs a full ride at UTD ? (again college experience aside).</p>

<p>Thank You for all your insights…</p>

<p>I am parent of one of the top students in Dallas area. I studied in UT Arlington and live close to UTD.</p>

<li><p>UT may have many opportunities and is more reputed. But I too, irrespective of
graduating in UTA has a wonderful job. So many of my co-workers are from
either UTD or Texas Teach or OU or some other unknown university, even the directors.</p></li>
<li><p>I believe if you are hard working and not partying ( like in UT) you should be well of
in UTD. After your first job does your college matter , unless you are from MIT ?</p></li>


<p>Hey guys, i am curious. How do you get full ride scholarships in UTD? I know they will see your GPA and stuffs. Any link for me to see? Can external transfers get it? Or only incoming freshman?</p>

<p>Why do you say that? I am trying to make a decision between the 2 for Computer Engineering, accepted to both. Seems like UTD has a great program with fewer students and more opportunities for research and internships for undergrads for motivated student, which I am. (I know the social life doesn’t compare, but I care more about the academics).</p>