Full Scholarships for High School study abroad


<p>I'm looking for full scholarship study abroad opportunities for high school students. I've been looking everywhere and the only one I've found is the Congress-Bundestag program to Germany. Do you guys know any other programs that provide full scholarships, preferably to Spanish and French speaking countries? </p>

<p>Thank you so much for your help</p>

<p>Spanish and French (and English) speaking countries are by far the most popular, so there is no real need to offer scholarships to encourage kids to study abroad there.</p>

<p>For a low cost study abroad, you might look at a Rotary Scholarship.</p>

<p>I went in high school to Germany through Rotary International. There are Rotary clubs in almost every city, or at least some close by. I’d recommend looking at their website and seeing what options you have. I know as far as Spanish speaking countries, you could travel to almost all of South America. French, there’s of course France and Switzerland. Good luck! The deadline is already passed now for next school year, but you could look ahead for the next year.</p>

<p>Oxbridge Academic Programs offer full and partial scholarships to Barcelona, Paris, and Montpellier. However, it is very competitive and you have to pay for airfare.
Here’s the link: [Oxbridge</a> Academic Programs - Welcome](<a href=“http://www.oxbridgeprograms.com/scholarship.php]Oxbridge”>http://www.oxbridgeprograms.com/scholarship.php)</p>

<p>I did this program in Montpellier and I took classes in French. If you have questions, just PM me or ask me in this thread :]</p>

<p>National Security Languages Initiative (NSLI for Youth)
Deadline: February 2, 2009
Over 300 full scholarships funded by the U.S. Department of State for summer, semester and year programs with a focus on language acquisition to the following destinations:</p>

<pre><code>* China

  • Egypt
  • India
  • South Korea
  • Russia
  • Tajikistan
  • Turkey

<p>To begin the application for this program, visit the NSLI for Youth website.
If you have questions, please email <a href="mailto:nsliforyouth@afs.org">nsliforyouth@afs.org</a>.</p>

<p>YES Abroad Program
Deadline: February 2, 2009
Dozens of full scholarships awarded by the U.S. Department of State to students that demonstrate an interest in community service, international affairs, and public diplomacy. Available for the following countries for year-long academic programs:</p>

<pre><code>* Egypt

  • Ghana
  • Indonesia
  • India
  • Malaysia
  • Thailand
  • Turkey

<p>To begin the application for this program, visit the YES Abroad website
If you have questions, please email <a href="mailto:yesabroad@afs.org">yesabroad@afs.org</a>.</p>

<p>Hello friends,
I also want to know full scholarship for aviation (aerospace) and if you know, please tell me. And also about what qualifications will be needed.Please email <a href="mailto:cinhaumonmaeu@gmail.com">cinhaumonmaeu@gmail.com</a>
Thank you all</p>