Full tuition and Stamps Scholarship

<p>I'm interested in University of Miami and am wondering if I stand a chance at getting the full tuition or Stamps Scholarship offered by the school. My first question though: Is the Stamps Scholarship offered affiliated or part of the school? I hear sometimes that UMiami has only full tuition, while the Stamps covers full tuition, room, board, and some other things. Next, I'm wondering if I'm competitive for such scholarships. Here are my statistics:
English 9H: A-, A-
Biology H: A-, B+
Geometry CP: A-, A-
Spanish 2 CP: A-, B
Career Prep: B (z_z)
Auto Safety: A
Health: A
Art Media: B, A
WGPA: 4.04UW: 3.7
English 10H: A-, A
Chemistry H: A-, A
Spanish 3 CP: A-, A-
Algebra 2 CP: A, A
Computer Graphics: A, A
Euro AP: A, A
WGPA: 4.27
UW: 3.85
English 11AP: A, A
Chemistry AP: B, B
Math Anal CP: A-, A-
Psych AP: A, A
Advanced Computer Graphics: A, A
WGPA: 4.35
UW: 3.85 (3.8472)
UCGPA: 4.29 (if English H is not counted)
12 (predicted but likely):
Physics C AP: A, A
English 12AP: A, A
Stat AP: A, A
Comp Sci AP: A, A
Human Geo: A, A
US Gov AP/Econ H: A, A</p>

<p>12 APs total (11 AP classes, 1 honors to self-taught [Econ])
Test scores:
SAT I: 2320 (780 CR, 780 W, 760 Math)
SAT II: 770 Chem, 790 USH--660 Math II (most likely will retake or not send)
PSAT: 205 </p>

Editor and writer for a blog about travel with special needs children
President and founder of Linguistics Club (11, 12)
President and founder of Model UN (12)
President and founder of Junior CERT club (12)
Head Delegate at BruinMUN (November 2011)
Editor of Literary Chronicles (11, 12)
Volunteering at Rec Center (9)
Member of Philosophy Club (9, 10)
Member of Red Cross Club (10, 11, 12)
-Activities Coordinator (12)
Member of "padder" club-volunteering, etc. (11, 12)</p>

<p>Community Service:
Red Cross: approx. 40 hours (18 hrs/year)
Friendship Circle (11, 12): 40 hours (33 hrs/year)
Rec Center: 20 hrs (20 hrs/year)
Youth Leadership Congress:
20 meetings, 40 hrs/year
-Web Moderator (11), unknown (12)
Community Emergency Response Team: 18 hours training, 4 events participated)
Certified in First Aid and CPR </p>

Hebrew High School (9, 10)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Tutoring (12)
Editor for blog about autistic rights and activism (10, 11, 12)</p>

AP scholar w/ Distinction
National Merit Commended
Some writing contests? (I don't know if Teen Ink publication counts)
Honor Roll
CSF (all years)</p>


<p>Singer scholarship is a part of UM’s regular awards - it covers full tuition for all 4 years.</p>

<p>Stamps is newer to UM - privately funded by a very generous benefactor, with only a few scholars named in 2010-11, but more were chosen for 2011-12 - and Mr. Stamps spoke of making it even bigger in the future. He covers ALL expenses: tuition, room, board, fees and there is also an annual stipend for private research projects.</p>

<p>You can learn more about both if you dig a bit harder online. Some have also written more about them here on cc.com.</p>

<p>Based on what you’ve provided above, I would say you are a candidate for at least an invite to Singer weekend, if not to the Stamps competition as well. </p>

<p>You don’t include your rank in class and I believe most agree that is a determining factor in contending for the scholarships. Very nice job on the SATs! With that high PSAT, were you a National Merit finalist? Did you take the ACT? Finally, I assume you got all 4s or 5s on your AP exams?

<p>I got straight 5s on my AP exams; no I did not make Finalist, and my school does not publish rank but I am in the top 10% no doubt.</p>