Full tuition scholarship stats

<p>SAT: 1450/2170
ACT: 33</p>

<p>Based on this what is the likelyhood of a full tuition scholarship?</p>

<p>To be honest not very likely. You’d probably get the 24k scholarship with that. Typical full-tuition scholarship students have a 34 (low & pushing it) or 35 (much better shape) on the ACT - and definitely have 1500+ SATs (usually closer to the 1530 and higher point).</p>

<p>Quite unlikely… and that’s assuming you have a pristine GPA and great extra-curriculars.</p>

<p>You’ll probably get 24k and maybe a Singer invite? - But the Singer itself is more unlikely than not.</p>

<p>What is that scholarship based on? </p>

<p>I have 33 ACT, but it’s 36-M, 35-S, 34-E, 28-R. Can they see reading’s not my strong point?</p>

<p>SAT I have 750-CR, 790-M, 800-W. </p>

<p>Do they base the scholarships only on test scores? If so, how do I stack up?</p>


<p>This thread may help…Again, unless you apply you can’t be sure. Yes, application fees
can add up, but if UM really interests you, please take the next step.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/763346-scholarship-requirements.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/763346-scholarship-requirements.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks BadghDAD.</p>