Fully Chinese but born and raised in South America

Hi everyone.
So I am fully Chinese as both my parents are fully Chinese. My parents moved from China to Venezuela very young and then I was born in Venezuela. I moved to the U.S when I was 6. I consider myself Hispanic and Chinese as I relate to both cultures, but since I’m 100% Chinese by blood will colleges think I am trying to cheat the system by putting Hispanic on my application?

No, particularly if.some of your ECs relate to culture I believe most applications ask for place of birth,anyway. Regardless, hispanic/LatinX is an ethnicity, not a race. Alberto Fujimori (probably not the best example from an integrity perspective), is undeniably Asian and Latino, for instance.

How each college will use that information and what bump,if any, it gives to your application, though, is a big “depends” and will vary by college.
