Fun, Easy Classes

<p>Can the 1 credit hour KIN classes (golf, rock climbing, racquetball, dance, etc) be taken pass/fail since they are not being taken as a requirement if you are a STEM type major? </p>

<p>It sure seems like a good way to put some balance into their schedules as well as introduce them to sports/dance that they might not have ever considered doing without these classes.</p>

<p>S took UH 120 - Art to Life class where they were involved in interviewing and documenting a person’s life story. they were at the beginnings of alzheimer/dementia and involved in an art therapy class (part of a research group). He said the students ranged in majors which was nice. After taking 4 years of video production electives he enjoyed being able to use it as one of the videographers. The students formed groups and made arrangements with the families for convenient times to meet. he said it was an interesting experience and worked well with his load.</p>

<p>Wanted to bump this, since it’s a good topic with registration quickly approaching…I’m looking for a couple interesting classes I can take as I procrastinate deciding on a major.</p>

<p>People mentioned ARH 252/253 – if you take it online, it’s an extremely easy class. Exams are online so between the internet and textbooks, it’s pretty impossible to not get an A.</p>

<p>I’m taking PSC 101 online and that’s also an extremely easy, interesting class that fulfills the social/behavioral science requirement. Again, with online tests and exams, it’s pretty difficult to not do well, but I still feel like I’ve learned a lot and the material is pretty intersting.</p>

<p>So you can take classes online through UA at the same time you are taking other classes “in person”? That sounds interesting. Why would a student do it that way? Are some classes only offered online?</p>

<p>My D is taking an online art history class. She finds it convenient because she can choose when to watch the lectures and do the homework. It does take some discipline, though, to remember to do the assignments on schedule without the feedback of an in person class.</p>

<p>I’ve taken at least one online class almost every semester. It’s much easier to schedule an online class around ones schedule. Most courses with online sections are also offered on campus, but often with different instructors.</p>

<p>Just chiming in here as a parent of a freshman engineering/marching band student. My son enrolled this semester in the online art history class (253) that you all are talking about. He thought it would be pretty easy and he could work at his own pace. He figured out in the first week that this was a mistake. He realized he would not be disciplined enough to do the online work, and he thought that there was alot of it. He wound up signing up for the intro to music 121 that the rest of you are talking about. He does have it at 8am but much prefers that to the art history. He thought the at history would be more work than the engineering classes he is taking.</p>

<p>So in the end it depends on the kids work style and what they like. I don’t think my son would have made it through the art history class but now he knows he is not disciplined enough to take an online class. And this is coming from a kid who is majoring in engineering, marched in the band last system and plays in the pep bands this semester. Did I mention he also pledged a fraternity? His time management skills are great but he knows he needs to physically be in a class, even if it is at 8am. Which by the way doesn’t bother him one bit.</p>

<p>Good luck. Roll Tide Roll!</p>

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<h1>So you can take classes online through UA at the same time you are taking other classes “in person”? That sounds interesting. Why would a student do it that way? Are some classes only offered online?</h1>

<p>Few classes are only offered online. Some classes have an online option for distance learners, but campus kids can take them as well. </p>

<p>Campus kids will sometimes choose an online course because the classroom courses might not be offered at a convenient time or there is a time-conflict with another needed class.</p>

<p>Crimsonmom…I don’t see a problem with taking a KIN class P/NP. </p>

<p>I do recall that each of my kids had a 1 credit engineering drawing class that was offered online. It was such a basic class …learning how to read blueprints and such, that offering it in a classroom would have been needless.</p>

<p>FWIW, as far as the online art history class goes, my dd says she learned a lot about the subject in AP European History. I’m sure that helps! A class like this would probably be more enjoyable in person, but the scheduling advantages are hard to beat.</p>

<p>My D took one class online because it worked out better for her schedule. It does require a tremendous amount of self-discipline, planning, and commitment. She found it best to set aside a particular time only for this class a couple of times a week just as if she were going to class…no exceptions. I think being able to do that is key regardless of the subject matter.</p>

<p>All, I agree with everyone. My son thought it would be great to have a class that he could do at his convenience. But I guess he realized real fast it wasn’t his style. I told him to give it alittle more time but he said no. The other thing is he really is a math/science kind of guy. So subjects like art history really don’t interest him. Once he found that music class that was right up his alley. And as I mentioned before, he doesn’t mind getting up early for class.</p>

<p>Online classes are not for everyone. They require time management and planning. My son took seven APs online, and he just loved that format. He has continued to take online classes throughout college. Some classes do translate better online than others, and of course, success in the classes also depends on the professor/teacher. My son had some very enthusiastic HS teachers who made what could have been a boring subject a lot of fun. The same is true in college.</p>

<p>I am definitely not a disciplined, hard-working student at all, but I haven’t had any difficulty with the two online classes I’m taking this semester. I didn’t have any good reason to take them; it was more just that I always have really bad attendance in classes, and I figured this was a way to avoid the issue. In both of my classes, there are three exams throughout the semester that must be taken by a certain date (usually one in February, one in March, one in April), so that keeps students somewhat on track. I know that there are some online classes where nothing is due until the end of the semester – obviously that would prevent some issues for those of us who tend to procrastinate!</p>

Bumping this topic as DS is an incoming freshman-computer science- and things may have changed in the past few years. What are some easy classes/GPA boosters that are not too time intensive.

MUS 121 is still a good option.

Wow, I started this post when my daughter was a high school senior. She’s in grad school now!

I agree that MUS 121 is a good option. The version my daughter took was a hybrid class - one hour in the classroom a week and the rest online, with a requirement to attend several musical performances. She thought it was an easy and enjoyable A+.

So, MUS 121 and the Kinesiology classes? Any others?

Criminal Justice is fun and easy. Ds also enjoyed Honors Servant Leadership. He had to write a few papers, but it was an easy class overall and he really enjoyed it.

Put this together for my son who needed to boost his GPA after going on scholarship probation. Here are some classes that were suggested as Easy A’s. Although there were some parents who posted their kids didn’t think they were real easy. ??

AMS 205: Dirty Jobs
WS 200: Women Studies,
Instruct: Franklin or McKnight
(class or online)

MUS 121: Intro to Listening,
ARH 151: Intro to Visual Arts

CJ 100 Intro to Criminal Justice


No Classification:

CS 102 : Microcomputer Applications

What about these?

AMS 208: Rock, Hip-Hop, and Country

MUS 155: Discover Your Inspiration

MUS 414: Tech Electronic Music II

(Yes, I have a bias towards music)