Fun math riddle for you math nerds

<p>here you go kids...enjoy!!</p>

<p>There is a ten-digit mystery number (no leading 0), represented by ABCDEFGHIJ, where each numeral, 0 through 9, is used once. Given the following clues, what is the number?</p>

<p>1) A + B + C + D + E is a multiple of 6.
2) F + G + H + I + J is a multiple of 5.
3) A + C + E + G + I is a multiple of 9.
4) B + D + F + H + J is a multiple of 2.
5) AB is a multiple of 3.
6) CD is a multiple of 4.
7) EF is a multiple of 7.
8) GH is a multiple of 8.
9) IJ is a multiple of 10.
10) FE, HC, and JA are all prime numbers.</p>



<p>^ too slow :P</p>


<p>*** howd you guys all get that soo fast???</p>

<p>seriously…howd you guys do that so fast??..i’m good at math and that took me like a good part of an evening to solve</p>

<p>^I was joking I didn’t really get it.</p>

<a href=“LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You”>LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You;

<p>inb4 2951804637</p>

