
<p>Is JHU any fun, or just a ton of work?</p>

<p>What is this…“fun”…you speak of…?</p>

<p>hmm so I’ll take that as a no.
does anyone think otherwise?</p>

<p>I don’t get where people get this perception that hopkins doesn’t get the meaning of “fun”</p>

<p>On the contrary, many of us here think that most high schoolers lack the “fun” element in their life as they worry way too much about trivial things like college admission decisions…just take a look at the number of “chances” threads out there…</p>

<p>Of course there’s fun at JHU. There’s always the traditional frat parties, if you are into that stuff. Personally, I think there’s alot of other fun things you can do without alcohol and sex. Watching movies, hanging out with your new friends, playing the myriad of music instruments around campus, traveling around baltimore, or getting an internship experience off campus (highly recommended and will yield exponential results for you in the future).</p>

<p>More opinions:</p>

<p>[Hopkins</a> Forums -> Does anyone have any fun?](<a href=“Hentai 44 - Hentai porn”>Hentai 44 - Hentai porn)</p>

<p>[Hopkins</a> Forums -> Are you happy with your choice to attend JHU?](<a href=“Hentai 44 - Hentai porn”>Hentai 44 - Hentai porn)</p>

<p>[Hopkins</a> Forums -> Do you find the time to socialize?](<a href=“Hentai 44 - Hentai porn”>Hentai 44 - Hentai porn)</p>

<p>What does your definition of “fun” mean?</p>

<p>At Hopkins, there is a wide variety of events and “fun” things to do…it just depends on what you want out of a night.</p>

<p>I’ve seen students on a friday night stake out a group study room in the library studying/playing cards/board games laughing and having a wonderful time. I’ve also seen students who go to the Den (it’s sort of a club/bar) on weekdays getting trashed. It all depends on what you want to do.</p>

<p>Here’s a list of events that are very popular:</p>

<p>Peabody Concerts (orchestra, choir, band,)
Plays (students put on plays)
Frat Parties
The Den (any day of the week)
Subway/Uni-Mini (24-hour subway and minimart which students go to often)
Concerts (usually in nearby colleges - Lupe Fiasco came to Loyola this year)
Inner Harbor (lots to do there…)
Movie Nights on the Quad (they show a movie on a huge projection screen)
Lots of events put on by Residential Life (such as karaoke night, pancake eating contests, etc)</p>

<p>To be blunt, alcohol and other drugs are easily accessible on the Hopkins campus (if that’s what you’re worried about)…but there are also kids who love to study and hangout in the library…</p>

<p>I like to think that Hopkins has a little bit of everything for everyone…</p>

<p>if you need more information, just pm me</p>

<p>Very well-stated cantelope9</p>