Funny Classroom Stories

<p>please post your funniest high school moments/stories
i'll start:
one day in precalc my friend tried to throw a paper ball at me, but missed and landed on my teachers desk, the teacher making him vacuum his room during lunch for the rest of the semester</p>

<p>not funny, but ridiculous: last year a kid got lit on fire during a chem demo. he didnt get burned very badly, but his favorite pair of pants/shirt were destroyed.</p>

<p>mine was in Europe- my classmate brough some substance that smelled like gas to the history class. 1 hour later- the whole school was evacuated because they thought something broke and we will be poisoned by the gas lol…
btw they didn’t do anything to the guy</p>

<p>I accidentally stapled my hand in class this year.</p>

<p>this was hilarious, but sad, during finals last year, somebody walked up to the teacher and asked her how use one of the buttons on the calculator. the teacher opened the calc and the student’s cheat fell right out, LOL</p>

<p>in latin class:
the teacher was projecting a passage onto the dry erase board. he was writing the English translation of the passage on the dry erase board, which was white, just like the classroom walls. he got so excited that he started writing on the classroom wall instead of the board. he claimed that he did that just to get our attention, but the class was laughing really hard and didn’t listen. the stuff he wrote wouldn’t come off and has been there for a year now.</p>

<p>Like 2 weeks ago in APUSH, a girl wasn’t feeling well, so she went up to the front of the room to ask the teacher for a pass to the health office. She wasn’t looking too good. When he was writing up the pass, she started flailing her hands up and down like a bird, and ran over to the fishbowl and vomited in it, as well as all over the carpet and the table beside it.
People were laughing like crazy.
The little fishy died too.</p>

<p>^oh my hahaha</p>

wut happened to the girl after?</p>

<p>In my APUSH teacher’s bag we put our science teacher’s gerbil in it. He opened up his bag and one of the gerbiles landed in his drink!! n the funniest part was that a old AP teacher walked in our classroom and a gerbil crawled into his pants… he did a crazzy chicken dance…lol</p>

<p>During a precalc quiz, our teacher leaped out of her seat and ran to the other side of the room when she saw a millipede by her desk. My friend got up and went to the millipede, and she started yelling, “Ten points on the quiz if you kill it!” Needless to say, he did end up killing that poor millipede…</p>

<p>Once some girl brought a remote control to my history class. She had the remote in her purse, and turned on the TV every two minutes and changed the channels. My history teacher was really mad, and she thought someone had a watch with a remote inside it. She made students with watches to put their hands in the air, but the TV kept on changing channels. Then some random guy walked by our classroom and my teacher thought that guy had a remote. She ran out of the classroom and told that dude to give her the remote, and he was just like “wth??!!” So we went on like this for the entire class period, and my teacher never found out who had the remote.</p>

<p>In Spanish class last year there was a bee in the classroom and it is a class of only girls. Everyone was shreiking and throwing books and pencils in the air because they were so scared. Then we couldn’t find where it went so the teacher (who is crazy btw) started yelling at everyone to calm down. About 20 seconds later, a girl found the bee in her pocket and there was so much chaos in the room. We couldn’t get rid of the stupid bee and we spent the entire period freaking out over it. It was pretty hilarious for a class of 10 girls screaming and running all over the place for 40 min. The teacher was like “You guys sound like you’re having babies”</p>

<p>lol, i had one of those watches, used it during practice in the band room</p>

<p>In middle school I remember that the class was taking a really hard test, and we were all very quiet and everything…all of the sudden, some kid FARTS, and everyone just starts cracking up…in the middle of the chaos, some of us started cheating off each other…lol I remember…Damn, I wish I were back in middle school :)</p>

<p>When I was in elementary school, students were allowed to bring pets to school for show-and-tell. Some one brought a boa constructor in. The snake escaped from its cage, traveled through the pipes, and popped out when my teacher opened her closet. She immediately fainted though my class found the snake really amusing.</p>

<p>bluebird123: i have to say i would have been with the teacher on the fainting thing if i had been surprised like that. but that is still pretty incredible haha. i would love to see that happen! you usually only see that stuff in movies lol.</p>

<p>One time, in my last period of the day’s class, we were taking a really hard math test. And the first 6 problems were multiple choice. And since it’s the last class of the day, our teacher lets us use a few extra minutes after school ends. So when the bell rang and class ended, all the math whizzes were done and they turned in their tests. And they went outside and started talking about the test right next to the other side of the door. And they were talking about the questions and what they thought. And we were just sitting there, listening to them. Then one guy was like, “DUDE! Did you guys get A B D E D C?!!??!” REALLY LOUDLY. And another guy was like, “Yeah, that’s what I got!” And we all copied it down and the class average for that test was really high. :)</p>

<p>my apush teacher fell asleep during a major chapter test LOL</p>

<p>these stories are so funnyy!!!</p>