Furman University Early Decision/Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Early decision/Early action deadlines coming up for Fall 2023 students. Our son has been visiting schools and fell in love with Furman during the “Fall for Furman” event a few weeks ago. He had already applied EA late September. Look forward to seeing how applications go.

D23 applied as well. We visited during the summer, I wish we could have made it out for the Fall for Furman event but we’re on the west coast.

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D23 applied as well EA

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Visiting Furman had kept us from having to visit about 5 other schools (for now)…he felt at home instantly. He’s right down the middle 50% with GPA and SAT, plays club soccer all year, while playing school soccer from 7th grade through this senior year. Has a few AP, and dual enrollment classes. 3.9 UW, 4.9 weighted. Guess we’ll see.
He has put Clemson, UGA, and a bunch of “bigger” schools completely out of mind now. Hoping he gets accepted. He also toured Wofford, but wasn’t keen on it. The thought of how much it cost scares me, but even the wife and I were sold on Furman.
Hoping we all hear something soon. Best of luck to all of you.


Anyone hear from Furman yet? It looks like in years past they’ve sent out some initial acceptances around Thanksgiving.

Still waiting…nothing so far

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Guess we’re not getting that Thanksgiving news we’d hoped to see. Our son has been admitted to USC, CofC, and PC (almost a full ride), but he is hell bent on Furman. Maybe next week we’ll hear something good!

Good luck and wishing your son good news.

What about Furman makes it his grail?
There have been a variety of views on the campus vibe…could you detail any first hand experience and observations please.


Anecdotally, two years ago my D’s friend received one of the Thanksgiving early admits to Furman and my D did not. However, my D was accepted on the normal EA decision date and with the exact same merit scholarship as the early admit friend. (Townes) So your S should not be discouraged… plus he already has great admits! Fingers crossed for him!


Our kid enjoyed the campus, the smaller classes (more engagement with professors), and it’s a school that’s not completely geared towards football, neverending partying, etc. Our son is a “socialite”, but he has a serious side that is very much geared at attaining a goal finishing undergrad, and attending medical school. He’s played soccer at a high level most of his life, but does not want to pursue it at a college level…he wants to learn. He’s bored if he’s not learning something new. Also impressive to him was the dining hall (yep, he loves to eat as he works out a lot), downtown Greenville, and general relaxed atmosphere. He says he felt it would be a “mentally healthy” place for him.

I’ll be honest…the cost alone scares us as parents, but he’s worked hard over the years to maintain his grades and play soccer 365 days a year for much of his life. As a parent, I was impressed with how the students acted during the football game we attended. We’ve seen some pretty rowdy bunches at some of the bigger schools…borderline disrespectful. I’m sure there’s always bad eggs in the bunch, but I felt that most of the students were able to keep things low key.

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He sounds incredibly self aware and in touch with what he wants. I certainly hope for the best at Furman but given his other options and obvious enthusiasm for the entire process and new environment I suspect he will do great wherever he lands.

With that said GO FU and I mean that in the polite way😀


Thanks for the encouragement…as a parent, I’m trying to stay positive for his sake. He has a 3.85 UW/4.85W GPA, 3 AP’s, All IB or Pre AP or AP courses with all A’s in high school (two B’s in 8th grade). Ranked 14th of a little over 300 students. Palmetto fellow recipient and Junior Scholar. He hates taking the SAT, but scored an “average” 1300 (for Furman). He’s a busy kid that doesn’t complain at all about school or the many hours he puts into soccer practice, games, and travel. He also spends a good bit of time with his buddies. I’d say he’s “well rounded” and a good fit, but you never know what they’re looking for.


Is CofC College of Charleston? If so congrats on your son being accepted. When did he receive notice of acceptance and how was it received (common app or by the school)?

Email for Charleston, can’t remember when…PC was email (nearly a month ago) then letter in mail with money offer. USC was early morning email this past Monday. He also applied for USC honors college later like they asked him to do, but he just turned that in November 15th. Guess that’ll take a while… his heart is still on Furman.

He has about 6 other applications out there, including Clemson, UGA, UNC, App state, GaTech(stretch), Wofford…and FURMAN.

After he visited Furman, he put all large schools out of mind. Once he makes up his mind, it’s hard to change it.

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Do you know of anyone who did hear from Furman already? We are also waiting to hear an EA decision.

Unfortunately, nobody on this thread has heard anything. In past years there were some ED and EA’s that heard before Thanksgiving, but nothing that I’ve seen for this year.

Hopefully soon!

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I haven’t heard or read of anyone getting notification yet. We are on pins and needles over here as my daughter LOVED her visits with the school. Good luck to all. Maybe we hear in a day! :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

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Love your username and enthusiasm. Good luck!!

What about the school stood out on her visits? What was the “vibe”?

My son is a sophomore at Furman and made the decision based on many of the factors noted above. Wanted a place with good rigor and access to professors but without an unsustainable meat grinder cutthroat environment socially or in the classroom.

My assessment as a parent: he is emotionally healthy and happy, and professors are super-dialed into the students. You have to put in the work as it isn’t an easy school, but the support systems are there and it is an environment conducive to kids making good choices and still having some fun.

I think the profile described above should put him in position for an acceptance letter. My daughter is applying this year and has not heard yet, so I don’t think you should be concerned. Happy to field more questions about the experience or other schools considered if anyone wants to ask.


In a prior thread it was suggested the school has a religious “vibe”. Is that the case from your experience?

I have never been on campus but wanted to make sure future potential applicants received an accurate first hand description. Thanks and congratulations on your kids apparent finding of a great fit and good luck to your daughter.

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