Furman University Early Decision/Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Last year, they mailed letters, too.


Based on the past 2 years, a “chunk” of the EA applicants received notification on the Friday before they went on Christmas break. Looks like the rest of the EA’s weren’t notified til slightly before January 15th.

Maybe some of our kids will get some news the end of this week…


My son’s Furman portal doesn’t have anything in it except showing he submitted an EA application. Is this normal? His other portals have a checklist of received items (like transcript; recommendations; test scores etc.).

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Someone else may want to chime in, as I try not to ask our son too many questions about his portals, but I DO know that after he first applied to Furman, his SAT hadn’t made to them yet after being sent from Collegeboard…he was notified via email that the SAT was missing. A few days later an email notification said it had been received and was complete. At that point we knew they had everything they needed.

I’m sure there are other parents on here that may have had their eyes on the Furman portal…I have not.

Did he recently submit? My son’s portal eventually showed all items received with check marks.

We went back to the email they sent him to set up the portal & there was a secondary link he needed to click to see the checklist. All is good :slight_smile:


We are eager to hear from Furman. It was a later addition to my son’s college list but a good one, I think. It’s the one school he applied to that we didn’t visit, but if he is accepted, we will make the trip. It’s also the smallest school on his list, but perhaps its proximity to Greenville puts the larger world just a bike ride away.

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Best of luck to your son! If he gets accepted, it’s well worth the visit. It totally changed my son’s mind about going to a larger school.

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Has anyone had their child check to see if their portal or common app to see when their transcript was last pulled? Many in the past noticed that theirs was pulled when they applied, but then pulled again a few days before getting a decision.

Any Early Action folks received their decisions yet? I can see on Slate.org that the decision has been made, but we don’t know the decision yet.

Not yet! I figured at this point it would be Jan 15!

Yep, Looks like we’re all gonna have to wait til the 15th…our kid is dying to hear from them.


Everyone ready for the EA decisions? My son is on pins and needles. He’s got 3 other acceptances with great scholarships, but he only wants to be a Paladin. I’m thinking Friday at 5… haven’t looked for anymore hard pulls of his transcript since his initial application. Anyone else seeing any activity?


We’re ready. Because the 15th is a Sunday, it seems likely to be the 13th – or, if Friday the 13th seems not the day to release, then maybe the 14th or (hopefully) 12th.

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I’m leaning towards Friday like they did on Friday the 14th last year…we shall see!

Did everyone’s child get an email from admissions this morning with an invite to sign up for a music audition? I know Furman is known for their music program but my daughter isn’t planning on being a music major. I figured it was a bulk email but I thought I would check.

Mine didn’t…

Weird. Hopefully D23 didn’t accidentally check off the music major box!

Not trying to read too much into it, but it could me she’s already marked as “accepted” and in the bulk emails…who knows.

Mine checked again to see if his transcript was “downloaded” a 2nd time like others in the past had happen, but it’s just showing the initial October download.


no idea